I probably haven't learned English correctly yet - but I'm sure I can help you.

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I don't speak perfect English, but I am the one who can really help you write your novel


Learn to write a novel

Almost everyone has thought about writing a novel once in their life. In rich and developed countries, every fourth person has already planned to write a novel. But out of a hundred people, only 20 thought through what his novel should be about. Only 4 made the plan of the novel and got to work and only 1 wrote more than 20 pages. It is said that every thousandth person wrote a novel and only every hundredth of these novels were published. In the United States, that means at least 3,500 new novels a year.


Why doesn't everyone write novels?

People think that not everyone is born a novelist. They're right: No one is born a novelist. Some people not only dreamed of becoming a novelist, but also did something for this purpose: they learned to write a novel. We learned to read and write at school. We learned that a draft has at least 5-10 lines of introduction, three times as much as the discussion part, and another 5-10 lines for the conclusion. Well, you have to forget this in order to write a successful novel. Some are willing to accept this, learn to write a novel, and some never write their first novel.

How to learn to write a novel? Several well-known writers have written specialist books on novel writing. However, most of them are difficult, difficult to understand and do not motivate the potential novelist.

However, writing a novel and publishing a novel has never been as easy as it is now, in the age of the Internet. Just as in the case of Mark Twain, Hemingway, Thomas Mann or Viktor Hugo, how successful one will be depends on how much one is inclined to study and work.

One of these very good books on novel writing says: a novelist is a person who writes novels. And that's the point. To learn and write our own novel.

However, in relation to writing a novel, it is important to know that it is not only the writing of the novel that can cause problems. You must know how to prepare the manuscript of the novel for printing. You have to be able to publish the novel. To organize the publication of the novel. And you have to be able to sell the novel. It's like life: If we can't sell our wheat, it's useless to produce very good and a lot of wheat.


Novel writing school for beginners and advanced novelists

There are people who haven't written their first novel yet. And there are people who are not satisfied with the results of their novels so far. Novel writing school (https://virtualia.gumroad.com/l/gerlvx) is important to all these people. The first important question is: What does novelist school teach people?

Novel writing school teaches potential novelists four main things:

1. To design their novel so that writing the novel is easy and fast. With this novel plan, it only takes 30 to 90 days to write the novel, depending on how long the planned novel will be and how much work the potential novelist is willing to do each day to complete the novel. It takes 3-5 days to prepare the plan. I recommend that you write the novel in 30-35 days after that, following the draft of the novel. If you do this, you can easily and quickly write a good novel.

2. On the process of writing a novel. It teaches the potential novelist how to write a novel easily and quickly by following the outline of the novel.

3. The process of publishing the novel. In the process of the birth of the novel, this is a much more important step than people think. Many people write their novel in vain, it gathers dust in the desk drawer, just because they don't know how to publish the novel. The publishing process is actually the process of bringing the finished novel to life. Without it, writing a novel is completely unnecessary work.

4. To sell the novel. Without selling a novel, the novelist will never have an actual income from the novel. Many people think that they will offer their work to publishers and they will print and sell them. Most novelists think that they will take their novel to the bookstore and sell it there. You should know that the publisher asks for 50-70 percent of the planned price of the novel and does almost nothing: In the best case, it sends the sales proposal of the novel to the bookstores, which usually agree to put it in the store's window and organize 1- 2 novelist-reader or signing meetings. But the author must advertise the novel and organize the sales marketing of the novel. The author has always organized the good sales marketing of the novel.

The practice is that the novelist receives 10-20 percent of the price of the novel, from which he pays taxes and also pays for the advertising of the novel. You may be getting too little money and paying too much to get your novel published and sold to leave these tasks to chance.

From the curriculum of the novel writing school, you can learn how to organize a publishing house, how to find a cheap and good printing house to print your novel, and how to advertise your novel in order to sell a lot. The curriculum and education itself are not cheap. Not everyone can afford it. But at least it's worth it. For novelists.


The most important feature of a novelist school for novelists

The novelist school can be completed in two ways:

1. After paying the tuition, the student of the novelist school receives the first lesson, reads the material, and takes the task given with the curriculum of the novelist school. The tasks are checked and sent back to potential novelists together with the following material and task from the novelist school. This is how we cool down to the 12th episode. After that, the novelist prepares the novel plan and begins to write the novel, followed by publication and sale.

2. The potential novelist completes the first four lessons as described above, by starting to prepare the novel plan in parallel with the reading of the lessons.

You can learn the first four lessons of the novel school in practically four weeks. You need 2 hours a week for this. One more hour to complete the task - It could be less, but if you want to be effective, you have to spend that much time. It also takes an hour to prepare the novel draft of your upcoming novel. Because it is not enough to just describe what you think, you have to imagine the financial and social situation of the characters, their plans, social and personal problems and their solution options. My experience is that it takes so much time to think through and properly formulate the novel plan of a lesson belonging to the curriculum of the novel writing school. I recommend the latter method to future novelists, because in this way our first novel will be ready in practically two months, with 4 hours of work per week, and in the second month with 12 hours of work per week - (12 hours of work per week, in my opinion, is still not that much, because we spend much more time watching television and doing activities that don't help us get better and move forward in life)

I also consider it important that the novel writing school helps potential novelists to get their novel published and to sell the novel, i.e. that novel writing brings income to the novelist.


A novel in e-book form or a printed novel?

It is often said that publishing a novel as an e-book is free, which is not quite true. If we want to publish our novel with the help of publishers, the publishers of the e-book will also ask for 30-50 percent of the price of the novel. Therefore, for the money, only the formalities, the administrative work, the storage of the files, and the sending of the novel in the form of an e-book are carried out. The advertising of the novel is the marketing of the novel, which sells the novel, waiting for the novelist here as well.

If you want to self-publish your book, you will need a lot of follow-up. Your work will thus be even more, and your income will not be really significant.

But there is a method that I also recommend to future novelists: There is a publishing method where you only have to pay for the publication of the novel after you have already earned an income. In other words, the publication of the novel can begin without any money. You will only have to pay the costs after your novel has generated income for you.

In addition, I usually recommend to potential novelists that the publication of the novel be divided into three stages:

1. Free but official publication of the novel - in this process, the novel is only offered as an e-book.

2. Period of coverage of costs. We still only offer the novel to readers in e-book form. But in this period, we can already cover the costs that appeared earlier and the costs that appear at this stage of the novel's publication. And in the meantime, the novelist can even earn a decent income.

3. Publication of the novel in printed form. It is important that most of the administrative costs related to the publication of the novel no longer have to be paid, since we have already largely covered them during the period of publication of the novel in e-book form, more precisely in the second stage. It is also important that the necessary money to publish the printed version is generated from the sale of the e-book, so you really do not need to have money to publish your novel.


From writing the novel to selling the novel

The importance of the novel writing school is that it not only helps you write the novel. It guides you through the process of writing, publishing and selling a good novel.

This last is the most important stage in the publication of the novel. Don't have any more novels gathering dust in your desk drawer - I'll show you how to sell them and make money with them. And this is at least as important in the process of bringing the novel to life as writing the novel. Think about it: If a basketball team runs its offense every time in a game, but never manages to put the ball in the hoop, can it win the game?

It is the same with the novel. An unsold novel is only a burden to the editor, the publisher, and the bookstores. They are often small masterpieces. But their path leads to the waste paper collector, lest thousands and thousands read the novel and their author be known.


The price of novelist school

The curriculum of the novelist school is not cheap. It's not even available for free. At most, you can get the novelist school tutorials for free, which only partially help. As a rule, they do not include two very important parts:

1. How to publish the novel

2. How to sell the novel


But let's face it, it's not so expensive that someone who wants to establish himself in the world of novels can't afford it. The advantage is that the education takes place online. You can live anywhere in the world, graduate from this school, and simultaneously write your novel, publish it, and sell it. Check the offer again at https://virtualia.gumroad.com/l/gerlvx.


Novel writing as passive income.

Hundreds of people debate whether or not passive income exists. Meanwhile, they consider themselves Internet professionals. Writers have not debated this topic for centuries. They just wrote their regime and realized their passive income. In other words, for the sale of each copy of the novel, for the translation of the novel, for the republishing of the novel, they always received money again and again, even though the novel only had to be written well once. Write your own novel!

Novel writing school for potential novelists

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