I probably haven't learned English correctly yet - but I'm sure I can help you.

Want to be famous, successful, happy or rich? - There is a secret that will help in this!
Sometime the kings were famous. Then the scientists were the famous people. Fifty years ago, everyone was a singer or an actor. Today they talk to ordinary people on television, on radio, in a newspaper. Why aren't you that? Would you like to be known? There is a secret that helps. Read this blog every day. Every day the tiny details of the secret will be discussed. Want to know more? Do you want to get to know the secret quickly and easily? It is possible!
The secret can help you become famous. The secret can help more people read your blog. The secret can help you reach your goal easily and quickly.


User-generated content business ideas for young


Internet club of young poets

Eva, 16: I'm in high school. I like to write poetry. I haven't tried to send my poems to any literary magazine yet, but my girlfriends think my poems are good. I have noticed that a relatively large number of high school students write poetry, but almost no one tries to publish their poems, even though I think we all have a burning desire to prove ourselves. We want to publish our poems, and to be known, even if writing poems is such an old thing. In an old article, you wrote that I could publish my poem without it costing much. You also wrote that I can search on the Internet with this. How?

Answer: There are two methods. It is one of the more widespread and is also used by several websites and blogs. The method is very simple: You start your own blog or website. For this, you can use a free website creation or blog editing system. Good systems allow you to have your own domain because then you are the owner of the blog or website. You can buy a domain from 20-20 USD. If you want the website or blog to be entirely yours, then you either have to build a website yourself, which you may not understand, or you have to order your website or blog from someone. You don't need to find the most expensive website builder, but you can't do it for less than 100-130 USD. In addition, you also have to pay for monthly posting, although many hosting companies allow it quite cheaply. But if you use a free website builder, you won't need these costs. With your own domain, you register an account with one of the free website-building systems. Most systems enable simple and fast website building, and many also allow you to search with your website created in this way. (You can also register an account for yourself for free, but then the system may not allow you to use the site to earn money). After that, all you have to do is write on the first page that this is the website of a literary club, which displays the poems, biographies, and photos of the members. You determine the amount of the membership fee (between USD 3-20 per month), then you continuously advertise your blog and regularly post the poems and biographies sent to you by readers. It's good that young creators tell each other about the opportunity, thus spreading the word about your site. The good side of this solution is that the content (with few exceptions) is created by someone else, but you earn with the club. Another good thing about the system is that you can enter the market even in a language that you do not speak perfectly. Let's say you can appear on the currently largest internet market, the English or Hindi language markets.

User-generated content business ideas for young


User-generated content online business ideas

 Dating club

The human is a social being. However, with his excessive use of IT equipment, he sometimes becomes too withdrawn from the world. He often feels alone.

It is not a new phenomenon. For other reasons, such a mass feeling of being alone and seeking companionship existed in the previous 100-200 years as well. At that time, searching for a pen pal and correspondence alleviated the psychological problem. It was a very useful and good solution. Many people also used it for language learning when they corresponded in a foreign language.

Those dealing with the problem of human thinking consider it a good solution because people tell strangers inner secrets and thoughts that they would not tell an acquaintance or family member. And this revelation often has a healing power.

This explains the fact that so many people are looking for conversation partners or pen pals on the Internet as well. This was also the reason for the rapid spread of chat systems. The big disadvantage of chat systems is that you often meet your partner randomly on the Internet. The newly found partner does not know the things that have been told before and this has a confusing effect on the relationship. You may also find the wrong partner.

There are hardly any online dating systems that are not fully automated. And people would much more like a living person as a companion, whom they found or chose themselves than one who is chosen for them by a machine, artificial intelligence. This is the basis of the idea.

Create a correspondence, dating club. Start a website where you present your club. The website should have a closed section that can only be accessed by members who have paid the membership fee. Post letters of introduction, pictures, and videos that members have made to introduce themselves here. Members who read and look at these posts, if they feel they have found a suitable partner, can receive (even for a separate fee) access to the selected partner. Then they can get in touch. They can talk by phone, instant message, or correspond by e-mail. As is good for them.

At the beginning of the business, you have to advertise a lot, but luckily, free advertising sites are also good for this. Set aside 2-3 hours a day to post ads. The truth is that you can never stop advertising, although over time members will give each other the site address. Drive new members to your website. The rest depends on the interests of potential members.

User-generated content online business ideas


Online business ideas


Old business ideas - new business ideas

With the rapid development of information technology, a peculiar transformation took place in economic life. Occupations and services disappeared and a whole series of new businesses were born.

Half a century ago, precision mechanics was considered one of the best professions. He repaired typewriters and classic cellulose film cameras. Then, just as classic typewriters and cameras disappeared, so did precision mechanics. They weren't needed. It is no longer profitable to repair the computers, smartphones, and digital cameras that have replaced classic typewriters and cameras: As a result of rapid development, by the time they need to be repaired, they are technically completely obsolete. Meanwhile, the price of new-generation equipment is falling so rapidly that it costs more to repair the old one than to buy a new, much better, much more capable one.

A few decades ago, printers producing city maps were among the most profitable printers. City maps were printed in several thousand copies and in the case of larger cities, tens or hundreds of thousands of copies. Each map could fit more than a hundred advertisements. In the case of more expensive advertisements, the advertiser was marked with a separate small sign on the map. Those who were marked in the street list on the back of the map also had to pay significantly more than traditional advertising. This list helped the map user to find the given street using the square grid of the map. Of course, the maps were sold for quite a good sum. Usually, the sale of 1,000-1,500 copies already covered the production costs, and further sales were pure profit. When our first such product was released, we sold a thousand in the first month. The advertisements generated enough income for approximately one year. But even 3-4 years after its release, the map was always sought after by customers. We will then print the new edition. Of course, with new, again paid advertisements, most of which were ordered and paid for by previous advertisers.

Today, in the world of positioning systems, nobody thinks of buying a city map. And it would be difficult to sell advertising space for a publication that no one was looking for.

Website creation and maintenance is a very profitable profession today. But how long will this be? There are more and better systems with the help of which even people with little IT knowledge can create beautiful websites for themselves. (I would still work as a website creator, but I would organize the work a little differently than the vast majority of website creators).

Internet sales are also spreading at an enormous pace. I am by no means wrong when I say that within two years there will be more online trading than traditional trading. In the case of certain goods, online sales have a huge advantage. Of course, not all products can be sold online. Due to the buying habits of customers, selling some products in the classic old form is much more effective. But it is certain that a huge reorganization is expected in this area in the coming years.

You should definitely take these facts into account if you want to start a business. Don't deal with something that doesn't even exist anymore. Rather, it rides on the ideas of businesses capable of developing in the future.

Online business ideas


User-generated content online business

 User-generated content-type business ideas

Internet consultants still recommend user-generated content as a marketing tool. There is no doubt that it is the best marketing tool: It builds trust and stimulates purchases. In such cases, the point is that you publish the opinions of your potential customers and thereby prove that your product or service is good, deserves attention, and meets the quality requirements and price-value ratio expected by customers.

If you want to use general content by users for this purpose, before publishing the content, first of all, ask for permission from the creator of the content. It is even better if, when requesting the content, you already inform the user that you want to publish the content created by him. Maybe this will result in fewer people writing, but this way you will save yourself any later complications that may arise from publishing content that the author has not given permission to do so. The creator of the content might have phrased it differently if he knew that his comment would appear on the Internet not only as a comment after a blog post but also as an evaluation published as an independent opinion.

With user-generated content-type businesses, you don't need to ask permission to publish from the creator of the content, because he creates the content for you to publish. And the structure of this type of business is such that it even provides you with an income. Either you get paid directly from the creator of the content, or it helps you to have income from other sources.

User-generated content-type businesses are undoubtedly the future of Internet businesses. Just think: You come up with the business idea, build the business, create its website or platform, and then you're done, because the users themselves create the content and even pay you for it. How come there isn't one?

But still, how is it? There are more and more user-generated content businesses on the Internet. These include Wikipedia, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, online store platforms, platforms that enable the creation of dating sites, free blog creation or website creation platforms. But so are blog and website creation platforms where you have to pay to use the platform. More specifically, all Wight label-type platforms.

Of course, I don't mean to say that it competes with them. On the one hand, they already have a huge network, and on the other hand, they have already established a huge income. They can afford marketing campaigns that you can't even dream of. But there are already about a hundred user-generated content businesses that do not compete with the mentioned Internet giants but can provide you with a decent income.

In conclusion, even though user-generated content-type businesses are the future and the best solution for online businesses, you can't get results here without work. You don't have to work all the time. More precisely, if your business idea is good, you don't have to work at all after starting the business. But before that happens, you need to build your business, create the necessary pages, and advertise your business. But the example of those who have already done it proves that it is worth it. Moreover, since more work is needed in the beginning to build a business that can be started without money and risk than in the case of other online business types, despite the fact that this type of online business promises the most, you should not expect too much competition. Most people quit before they have built their business.

user-generated content online business


Online business ideas

Private label rights

The English-language market is several hundred times larger than the Hungarian-language market. It is also important that while the Hungarian-language market for some products, such as music and books, has been shrinking in recent years, the English-language market is growing dynamically. (This is not only because the number of Hungarian-speaking people is decreasing, but also because more and more people are learning English in other countries. Of course, the number of inhabitants of English-speaking countries is growing faster and faster. But a similar phenomenon can be observed if the market for English-language products is compared with the language market of most countries 5-10 million). While often only a few hundred books can be sold in Hungarian, it is not uncommon for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of copies to be sold in English.
If you want to earn more with a digital written product, it is worth focusing on English products in addition to Hungarian products. But what if you don't know enough English to publish a book in English? You can choose six paths.
1. You use an Internet translation program. This is not always good. Think about it: for example, in Hungarian, drag and pull mean the same thing. But there is a big difference between a draft and a train. And it's the same for other languages. Translation programs have not yet been able to bridge these language specificities, so there is always the risk that the translation will be of poor quality, or possibly unenjoyable, in the case of a translator made with such programs.
2. You translate your book. This is not exactly a cheap solution. Translators at an acceptable level usually translate for 8-12 euros per page. Of course, you can also look for a cheaper translator, but then you have to take the risk of poor quality. (I'm just noting that in developed countries, a high-quality translation of a novel costs $20,000 or several times that amount).
3. You find a ghostwriter and have him write the book. These are people who are willing to write under a different name for a small amount. You can find hundreds of thousands of ghostwriters on the Internet. They will write a book of 20-200 pages for a few thousand dollars. Of course, the quality of the book is proportional to the amount paid. The better the ghostwriter, the more expensive his work. And it's also a problem that it's not your book. It only appears under your name. Not your idea, you just bought it. But there are products where this does not cause a problem: For example, in the user manual of technical books.
4. You collect quotes and poems for a book and publish them. Very successful writers have also used this solution. It is a well-known solution among philosophers and marketers.
5. You choose a user-generated content solution. These are systems where the users themselves create the content. Such are Facebook, blogs and website builders, often free platforms, news portals, but such are advertising sites, "true stories" type sites, "submit your poem" sites, forums, and discussion sites. (These pages are worth dealing with separately.)
6. Private label rights and similar sites. These are sites that sell ready-made written materials with various rights for free or for a very small fee. For example, you have the right to identify yourself as the author of the purchased material and sell it, even for a significant amount. Let's say you get it for free or $1-$5 and sell it for $10-$60 per copy.
Private label right-type sites can form the basis of serious business systems. There are also many books available for free. Different terms and abbreviations also indicate the acquired rights. There are places where all you get is that you continue to sell the book without making any changes and you get the entire income. But there is also an option where you can even rewrite the book, omit parts, insert your own parts, change the titles and subtitles, even the title of the book, and indicate yourself as the author. However, the restrictions accepted in the Internet world do not always cover the same rights, so if you receive such material or download it for free, you should always check exactly what rights you are getting. The seller must indicate this next to the text offered. (You have to be careful, because there are also cases when you get the digital book for free, but you can't give it as a gift, you can only sell it for money!)
The other thing is that among these digital books, there are quite a few of poor quality. It doesn't hurt to check who the author is. Always enter the author's name in the search engine (e.g. Google) and find out who it is. Similarly, check the address of the purchased or received article in the search engine. It's good if you can find some reviews, but it's also worth keeping track of their authors.
How to earn from these books? You can sell it on an auction site, upload it to platforms dealing with the sale of digital products, or create your own blog, website, webshop or platform where you can sell the product. Either as a PLR product or as a digital product (after all, among PLR products you can often find really good digital products, writing as well.) But you can also offer it as a gift to those who subscribe to your newsletter and provide their e-mail address (of course, only if you have been given the right to give the book to someone for free). You can then offer them your own digital or physical product in newsletters.
In addition to the PLR group, the RR and MRR groups occur most often. The RR, i.e. Rasel Right rights means that you can continue to sell the book you bought or even downloaded for free, but your buyer can no longer sell or give away the book for free. (Of course, one copy can be given to someone as a gift). MRR, i.e. Master Resell Right, means that you can sell the purchased product and also the purchased rights, i.e. your buyer can resell the book in the same way as you. However, you cannot identify yourself as the author of products marked RR or MRR, and you do not have the right to modify the product. Moreover, the original author has the right to introduce special legal restrictions.
Finally: Where do you find such sites? The easiest way is to enter the terms "private label right" or, even better, "free private label right" in the search engine. But if you don't feel like it or have the time, check out our house, plr. me, idplr, plr products, plr database. Just type these terms into your search engine.
However, never forget that whatever digital product you sell, whether it's your own or someone else's, or a digital product you've purchased or obtained for free, your success always depends on how effectively you can promote your product.
Step-by-step solution
1. Obtain the material and, according to the rights granted, modify and rewrite it.
2. Upload the material to a platform that sells digital products (if you want to sell it yourself from home, skip this step)
3. If you want to sell the book yourself, prepare a short description of where and how the person who wants to buy the book should pay (via online payment, bank transfer, postal or other money sending, premium SMS...). If you sell the book yourself, put this description after every ad you publish.
4. Write posts about why it will be good for whoever buys the book and advertise the product on free advertising sites and social media sites (Facebook, Linkedin...)
5. If you sell the brochure on the right platform, it allows the customer to download it. If you sell it yourself in digital form, send the book to the paying customer by e-mail. If you want to sell it in physical form, send it on some kind of data medium (CD, DVD, flash drive...)
Advantages of the business
You can enter the market quickly, you don't have to spend money on the product.
Disadvantages of the business
Really good PLR products are not given for free, you have to pay for them. The better it is and the greater the demand for the product in the market, the more the seller asks for the product.
What is the business's lead time?
The first customers can apply 1-2 weeks after the publication of the first ads. After that, if you spend 20-30 minutes a day on advertising, the number of products sold will constantly increase. When growth slows down, start looking for another product and prepare it for sale.
How much can you earn with it?
Do the math: If you sell just 5,000 copies for $20, you'll make $100,000. It all depends on what material you choose and how well you can advertise.
This is important not only so that you know what other work you can do if this does not work out, but also so that you know what other online business you can run in parallel.
Other suitable online businesses may include:
- Organization of a service selling digital materials
- Selling own materials
- Publication of books with little content (on Amazon)
- Write and publish a valuable book over the Internet
online business ideas


Online business ideas for women

Remote conversation partner

Remote conversation partner: There are things you don't like to discuss with your family members. And it's not just about cold relationships. This is why psychology considers it more and more important for women to have spiritual friends, and for men to have druses and buddies.

For many people, it would be a big help if they were listened to (this is why psychiatrists and psychologists are so popular in American films). Most people would turn to a stranger for advice to keep their identity a secret. Once upon a time, people complained about their problems to pen-pals. The pen pal knew the man relatively well, but the distance was a guarantee of secrecy. Today, perhaps chat would be suitable for this, except that most of the time the people chatting know each other only superficially. Many times it just depends on the chance that those two people are talking.

Apart from that, the roles in the chat are completely different. One or more active people meet in the chat. To solve the problems, it would be good if one party listened to the other. And if you are willing to listen to others and the other person can be sure that you will keep the secrets you hear, you can be that other person. In addition to preserving the secret of the personality, an agency should be opened which would listen to people for money, and possibly give advice. The contact could be via e-mail, Skype, or Messemger.

This is an idea that has recently started to find a place for itself on the unlimited Internet in developed countries. All you need to know is that if you use chat or Skype, you are selling your own time. And you can only have as many customers as you can talk to. If you choose the e-mail solution, you can have many more customers, because if necessary, during the development of the business, you can even employ letter writers and consultants.

Step-by-step solution

1. Open an e-mail account that you will only use for your work. The e-mail address should not include your name but rather draw attention to your work: conversational partner, spiritual guide, problem solver...

2. Open a blog with the same name as the name part of your email address. Describe your work, offer yourself to people struggling with the problem and write to which e-mail address they should send their letters, how they can pay and how much they have to pay. Update the blog weekly with a description of a problem. In the beginning, you have to look for the problem on the Internet. Later, you can also write about the problems that arise in your work, but be careful that people cannot be recognized. Confidentiality is the most important thing in this job.

3. If you've decided that you're going to work on this online business idea, advertise your business: Post an introductory and introductory text daily on two social portals and in the corresponding sections of at least five free classifieds sites.

4. Visit five forums daily, where you read the questions and advise at least 3 people, specifying your e-mail address.

5. The business must be advertised continuously. Later, if you do your job well, word-of-mouth viral advertising from satisfied customers will help a lot.

Advantages of the business

- You work with private individuals, so it is easier to organize payment for your work (it can even be done by phone SMS!)

- You don't depend on anyone, if you are persistent, you can earn as much as you want.

- You can have customers from all over the world

- You can place a small ad at the bottom of each answer. Either you advertise yourself or others for money (This means extra income)

Disadvantages of the business

- It takes a long time to start a business

- The business cannot be automated

- You only earn when you work

What is the business's lead time?

If you advertise your business well, you can expect your first customers within 30-40 days. Thus, the business is continuously profitable after 90 days. After a bad advertisement, the first customers and mass applications of customers are expected later. If you don't get good results after 180 days, you're doing your online business wrong. Either fix the mistakes (Be more direct with people, build trust) or switch to another business.

How much can you earn with it?

Relatively much. It doesn't take more than 15-30 minutes to answer each problem. If you charge HUF 10 USD for the answers, your rate is average. When you have enough clients, you can work 6 hours a day, which means that your earnings can be 180-200 USD per day, that is, if you work every day during the month, your earnings can exceed 6000 USD monthly.


This is important not only to know what other work you can do if this does not work out but also to know what other online business you can run in parallel.

Other suitable online businesses may include:

- Education counseling (you can work with, say, difficult-to-manage children)

- Writing, publishing, and selling a relationship book (Can also be an e-book)

- Career advice

- Leading a virtually anonymous group of addicts (togetherness gives members strength to cope with their problems)

Online business ideas for women


Internet online business ideas for women

 Remote conversation partner

Remote conversation partner: There are things you don't like to discuss with your family members. And it's not just about cold relationships. This is why psychology considers it more and more important for women to have spiritual friends, and for men to have druses and buddies.

For many people, it would be a big help if they were listened to (this is why psychiatrists and psychologists are so popular in American films). Most people would turn to a stranger for advice to keep their identity a secret. Once upon a time, people complained about their problems to pen-pals. The pen pal knew the man relatively well, but the distance was a guarantee of secrecy. Today, perhaps chat would be suitable for this, except that most of the time the people chatting know each other only superficially. Many times it just depends on the chance that those two people are talking.

Apart from that, the roles in the chat are completely different. One or more active people meet in the chat. To solve the problems, it would be good if one party listened to the other. And if you are willing to listen to others and the other person can be sure that you will keep the secrets you hear, you can be that other person. An agency should be opened which, in addition to preserving the secret of the personality, would listen to people for money, and possibly give advice. The contact could be via e-mail, Skype, or Messenger.

This is an idea that has recently started to find a place for itself on the unlimited Internet in developed countries. All you need to know is that if you use chat or Skype, you are selling your own time. And you can only have as many customers as you can talk to. If you choose the e-mail solution, you can have many more customers, because if necessary, during the development of the business, you can even employ letter writers and consultants.

Internet online business ideas for women


Be our detective

Help us shed light on a terrible case 


I invite you to a completely new type of free online game. Help solve a criminal case. It's a game, but it's also life. Something terrible has happened. A dead man was found in a motel room near the fire. The first investigations have been carried out, tracing experts are working both on site and in the Central Criminology Laboratory.

Be our detective. Inquiries should be sent to the e-mail address (miksa.beer@gmail.com) and the subject field should be written: "Become our investigator". You will receive all the documents prepared so far (in your language - computer translation). You can read the report, determine what needs to be done next, who to ask, and what direction the further investigation of the case should take. Normally. You will receive the documents that some other investigators have requested, just as they will receive the documents that you will request.

In each subsequent letter, you can describe what you believe happened and give reasons for your claim. This is not the end of the game. You can continue the game by solving the case until the crime is finally solved.

The records, reviews and explanations of the best players can be found in one book. If you like books and movies, like to think and have good logic, play with us, this could be the start of your new career.

Now send an e-mail to the e-mail address to which you would like to receive materials related to the investigation. szeretne kapni.Be our detective


 Check this out please:

Check this out please: https://www.classifiedsubmissions.com/rebrander/pdf/11_Proven_Techniques_To_Get_More_Sales_From_Classified_Ads_o6l6cmft4r.pdf

Online business ideas

Online business ideas

The best online business ideas are those where the users themselves provide the content. Creating such a user generated content online business is much easier than you think. Just think of the ad sites.
Of course, you can make an advertising page. You may have a brilliant online business idea. Let's say users can advertise for free and only have to pay for highlighting or successful sales. But to run such an online business, you need to post tons of new ads every day. Otherwise, people won't visit your site. Can you do this? This is where most people who choose this online business idea fail. There is a solution for that. Easy, simple, and fast. Klick here.
Online business ideas


Online business ideas for you

 Are you looking for a job that actually makes money? Start an online business!

If you are looking for work that can be done from home, the first thing you should look at are online business ideas. No other type of business has as many advantages as online businesses. Of course, online businesses also have their downsides. Most online businesses deal with digital products. Today, the range of digital products is very wide. This also means that if you cannot find a product that is of interest to a small group of people, you have to face a lot of competition in the market. The most important thing for the entrepreneur in the case of online businesses dealing with digital products is that you do not need to buy stock for digital products, you do not need a warehouse building and the delivery of digital products is free of charge. Digital products are most often "delivered" by the customer downloading them from the Internet. But you can also "deliver" a digital product by sending an e-mail.

However, it is a fact that customers like to hold the things they buy, show them to their friends, and brag about them. This can also be solved if you connect the digital product with a physical product. Let's say you send it on a data carrier, on a USB drive (This is a good solution, but the business is not completely online anymore and it also means postage costs, a more expensive solution).

You don't have to put every digital product on a data carrier. There are digital products that the customer can be proud of even if they only receive them in digital form. Such are internet programs, apps, website templates, and infographics. Making and selling them can be the basis of excellent online businesses.

A characteristic of online businesses is that they can be made niche. Basically, almost all online businesses are aimed at a wide range of people, almost everyone. But such online businesses are difficult to run. Another problem is that there is a lot of competition in the market for such online businesses. But it is possible to design online businesses in such a way that they only appeal to a narrower target group, have a niche character. For example, dating sites. Dating sites are very good online businesses of a digital nature, as there is no need for a physical appearance and it cannot be made into a real thing, although some dating sites have tried this by giving members who log into the dating system a membership card, thereby making the "product" of the online dating business tangible. got But the members of the dating systems prefer to preserve their anonymity and do not willingly give it up even for a flashy card.

One of the characteristics of dating systems based on online businesses is that they can appeal to everyone. Still, it is better to give it a niche character, because it is easier to address the members of the niche market and the competition is smaller. The target group of the niche market is also more willing to visit such a site than a site for everyone. People thus feel that the dating system is not for everyone, but that this is the dating site that is right for them. An online business can get a niche character by narrowing down the target market.

It can be narrow, so that the target market only includes members of one nationality, members of one area of interest (for example, movie lovers, sports lovers, book lovers), members of one occupation (for example, doctors, teachers, craftsmen), or members living in one country or a smaller area. But the target market of an online dating business can be narrowed down according to other factors as well. Online dating takes on a niche character if its target market is limited to the disabled, people suffering from the same disease, vegetarians or, say, singles, those raising their children alone or, say, those interested in the same sex. But the online dating system takes on a niche character even if its target market is, say, married people. (This is not so ethical because it promotes divorce, but statistics show that many people are interested in such a dating system, both among men and women).

Regarding the niche nature of online businesses, I took online dating systems as an example, because online dating is one of the four Internet sites that attract the most visitors. So the online dating system is ideal for those who want to build an online business. When narrowing the target market of online dating systems, you only need to be careful not to reduce the target market of the online business too small. If the target market is too small, it does not provide enough potential members for an online dating system. It is also worth thinking about how much money the members of the target market have and how much they are willing to pay in the form of membership fees. The income of your online business depends directly on this factor. That is, how much you can earn. For example, you need to think hard if you want to start an online dating system for the unemployed. What will they pay you for? With your online business, target the wealthier groups.

However, online businesses can be not only niche, but also startups. Most online businesses are startups in nature without the online business owner being involved. Most online businesses can be started small, but can be gradually increased, and the online business market is the whole world from the start, unless we have narrowed down the geographic location of the target market. Let's say if we wanted to give our online dating site a niche character and decided that its members could only be citizens of Daytona Beach, our online dating system will be niche, but it will hardly become a global company. However, if we have defined the target market of our online dating service as widowed people between the ages of 50 and 60, our online dating service will be niche, but since its target market is people living all over the world, the online business will also be a startup.

Advantages of online internet businesses

We can mention three milestones in economic development. The first was the division of labor, when everyone no longer did everything, but individual people limited their work to one economic activity. Occupations and small industries were established and productivity increased significantly.

The second milestone was the Industrial Revolution, when mechanization further increased productivity. This phase was actually a longer period, from the appearance of the first machines to the period when the machines formed the most significant part of the productive force and man's task became only the control, adjustment and coordination of the machines. The industrial revolution started with the first looms and is actually still going on almost everywhere in the world. People are inventing more and more modern production processes, machines and equipment.

But in the meantime, the third industrial revolution also appeared: The Internet and the online world. Internet businesses have made it possible for almost everyone to be able to work without money or with minimal equipment investment, with the whole world as their market. With development, occupations slowly disappeared. At one time, being a fine mechanic who repaired cameras and typewriters was one of the most profitable occupations. Today, a fine mechanic can only expect to be out of work. Once upon a time, the mail carrier appeared every day in every street of a city. Who writes a traditional letter these days?

But with the disappearance of individual occupations, completely new occupations were born. In the beginning, these were related to the form of Internet appearance, websites, and then blogs, but today we can find such new Internet occupations in almost all areas of life. Why is internet business so effective?

• An online business can be started with little or often no money,

• An online business does not require expensive equipment, machines, or huge production facilities,

• Most of the online businesses can be started small, then as the individual business develops, it creates the money necessary for its development,

• The entrepreneur can start the online business alone, and then, if necessary, hire workers or perform some parts of the work process with someone else,

• The vast majority of online businesses do not require special skills that enterprising people can only acquire at the cost of expensive education,

• The person running an online business can work from anywhere, even from home,

• If an online business is not successful, the entrepreneur can easily switch to another online business, even within an hour. You don't need any other equipment or other objects for any other online business,

• The online entrepreneur can start his internet business in addition to his existing job, after that, if the internet business already brings enough income that the entrepreneur can secure his livelihood from it, he can quit his previous classic job,

• For entrepreneurial people, it is important to stand on more than one foot: if one business does not bring the expected results, the other can supplement the income, if one business develops slowly, the other can be faster. For online businesses, this is very simple and easy to organize

As I said, anyone can work from anywhere with online businesses. Most jobs do not require special skills. All you need for an internet business is a suitable computer, tablet or mobile phone and an internet connection. And of course a good business idea. But online businesses also have disadvantages:

If you don't organize it consciously, you will most likely never be successful

The start-up and ramp-up time of Internet businesses, with very few exceptions, is long. Most of the time, we can only expect the first actual results after 90-180 days, but it is also not uncommon for it to take up to a year to ramp up. Those who do not have perseverance will probably not be successful with their online business.

Online businesses and websites attract the most visitors

For those starting an online business, it is not only important that their online business is niche and startup-like, but also that the system attracts a lot of visitors. I already mentioned that four types of websites stand out from the point of view of visitors. These are the following:

1. Websites dealing with weight loss, body shaping and beauty

2. Dating websites

3. Internet sites dealing with games and entertainment

4. Internet sites dealing with income generation, online business, job search

If you are thinking about starting an online business, it is definitely worth defining your online business in such a way that it deals with one of these problems and questions, or that these topics appear on the website of your online business. Your online business does not have to deal with any of these. You can also have an online business dealing with a completely different topic. But if one of the above topics, or even several of them, such as an advertisement, short description, or other form, appears on the page, it already helps that your online business's website or blog attracts more visitors. More visitors mean more potential customers.

A group of the best online businesses

If you've read about online businesses on the Internet, you've probably seen the abbreviation UGC, or the term user generated content. And this is no accident. There is a group of online businesses where the content, or most of it, is created by the visitors of the websites and blogs themselves, or by the members of the system. For those who want to make money on the Internet with an online business, UGC, i.e. user generated content type businesses are definitely important. With these online businesses, you can achieve results with much less effort

The group of user generated content or UGC type systems includes Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and many other similar systems. If you want to start an online business, I don't recommend that you think about such a system, because you have to know that there is a lot of work in building them and a significant amount of money was used to start most of them.

But there are other user generated content, i.e. UGC type online businesses as well. Examples include advertising newspapers and online advertisers. But such are, say, "true stories", "anonymous confessions" and other similar sites. And this group also includes the online dating system.

The online dating system has another big advantage. It can also be operated successfully without using any website. More precisely, this is what I recommend. The Internet is changing a lot. Sometimes daily. If you use a free site or blog platform for your online business, your business will never be your own. The owner of the free platform can terminate your site or blog at any time, closing down your online business at any moment, no matter how successful it was before.

You can work on your own site with your own domain name. Many people recommend this. Seems like a good solution. But you should know that it is not yours either. You only rented it for a certain period of time, as stated in your domain purchase contract. And what happens if the rightful owner wants to rent it to someone else after the time has passed, or asks too much for the rent. Nothing: You stay there without your online business, someone else gets a great domain with an already functioning online business. I don't want that. I prefer to work in a system where I don't need a website or a blog. More precisely, I will use anyone's website or blog at any time if it suits my online business. There are millions of such sites, where the owner not only allows us to use his site, but also offers it because it is useful for him. Moreover, it is not uncommon for the owner of a blog, website, or platform to pay for articles that attract visitors to his website, even if that article actually promotes and supports his own online business. Of course, at the beginning of the agreement, these entrepreneurs also try to get your writing for free. But if you are persistent enough in your search, you can eventually find someone who is willing to pay for your writing for the sake of mutual success. (Learn how to write a PR article! It's useful for promoting your online business and you can earn money with it.)

Online business ideas 
Join the entrepreneurs' club to be among the first to get all the information! Click here:  https://virtualia.gumroad.com/l/gkami 


Be Celebrity!

  You could be a celebrity too. Why aren't you a celebrity?

Who is the celebrity?

A celebrity is a person who is the actual or community leader of a small or large community. A celebrity is a person who is asked about important things. A celebrity is someone who has an opinion and says it.

Once upon a time, only very rich people could be celebrities, and among them only those who had many similarly rich friends. In order for someone to become a celebrity, it was also important that the community respected him or perhaps feared him. It was important that similarly wealthy people accepted his opinion and appreciated what he said or did.

Later, writers and poets became celebrities. People, especially women, read their books, recited their poems, and admired them. They looked for their company and bragged if they were somewhere in the same company as a celebrity, talked to him or just met him.

Then came the time of musicians and singers. From the middle of the last century, musicians were considered celebrities. They were the ones people wanted to follow. They were the pedagogues. In fact, the period when musicians and singers were the famous people, celebrities, continues to this day. Moreover, nowadays this social situation is getting stronger again.

But in the meantime, the athletes also became celebrities. A celebrity athlete doesn't need to have an opinion. You don't even need to say it, voice it. While it was important for rich people leading society, who were considered celebrities, or for writers and poets, to express their opinions on issues important to society, an athlete can be a celebrity without dealing with the issues that affect society at all. They simply achieve good results in sports.

In the case of musicians, it can also happen that a musician or singer who does not deal with important issues becomes a celebrity. They just happen to be liked by the community for some reason. However, many musicians have an opinion on the social issues that they think are important and express it in their music and singing. These musicians are major celebrities. They will continue to be known and famous. The situation is similar with athletes. An athlete who has an opinion, who speaks his opinion, is a major celebrity.

What about celebrities today?

Nowadays, in the era of the internet economic and social revolution, almost anyone can be a celebrity. Until the early 1900s, celebrities could almost exclusively be men. The truth is that there were some famous women even then. Let's say someone who was a well-known painter or model for painters. The queen must have been a celebrity. But in the male-centered society, the courtesan or the actress, for whose favor many would have done anything, could also be a female celebrity. With the release of the film, the process of the leading actresses becoming celebrities intensified. They were the highlights of social life. In fact, there was no need to deal with social issues. According to disingenuous comments, an actress didn't even need to be smart to be a celebrity. It could be silly if it was beautiful and liked by many.

In terms of the ratio of female celebrities to male celebrities, today men and women have an equal opportunity to be celebrities. It is not important that they have great knowledge, have many degrees, or be inventors. Anyone can be a celebrity if they can soberly assess the issues affecting and interest society, have an opinion on the issues, dare to say it and can say it. So, to be a celebrity, the following four things must be true:

1. The celebrity, whether male or female, knows which issues are of most interest and concern to the social community.

2. The celebrity, whether male or female, has a logical, socially acceptable opinion on these issues affecting society.

3. The celebrity, whether male or female, dares to speak his mind.

4. The celebrity, whether male or female, can tell his opinion.

Without this fourth point, no one becomes a celebrity. Many people think that it is enough if only the first three conditions are met. But this is not the case at all. A lot of people think about issues affecting society. A suitable opinion will form in your thoughts. In fact, he even dares to say, he will never become a celebrity. Why? Because you don't express your opinion in the right place or in the wrong form. In order to be a celebrity, it is necessary that your opinion be heard and even if it is not accepted, at least people will think about it. It is not enough to express your opinion on the most visited portal or social media site. If a woman or man wants to be a celebrity, they have to say their thoughts in such a way that people can listen to them and that it awakens some kind of thought in them, that is, that it provokes a thought reaction.

Of course, there is an easier way to become a celebrity. Although it was only given to the lucky few. For example, become a well-known actor, a successful singer, or a world-famous athlete. Become the president of a large state, a successful writer, a famous painter. But if you don't have a chance for such an opportunity, learn how to become a celebrity.

Why should you become a celebrity?

The celebrity is a well-known person. The celebrity's opinion is listened to and taken into account by the people. The celebrity is respected by the people, although there are also cases when the celebrity is hated by the people. One thing is for sure: Nobody is indifferent to celebrities. Almost everyone has an opinion about celebrities.

What is more important than fame and notoriety is that celebrities make money with celebrity. They can earn directly, say, by paying them to give interviews, appear on various TV and radio shows, or perhaps be judges of competitions. However, celebrities earn much more by doing what they are known for. Let's say the singer sings, the athlete plays sports. But there are also cases, more and more often, when the celebrity turns celebrity into money in a different way. Let's say you write a book that you sell successfully. He does lifestyle consulting, but he can also be a fashion consultant or start a profitable online business. Let's say you can be a car salesman or a real estate agent. People like to brag that they bought their car, house, or something else from someone they know.

Today, most celebrities are looking for a simpler solution. Most celebrities try to capitalize on their fame on the Internet. It is a fact that celebrities sell products more successfully on the Internet than lesser-known people. And in the advertising industry, celebrities are much more sought after by advertising organizers than unknown, ordinary people. In short, celebrity means money and earning opportunities. Even if it is not a profession, it can be a useful addition to any profession.

The beginning of the journey to becoming a celebrity

As I said, in the world of the social revolution of the Internet, anyone can be a celebrity. Many people find themselves in this situation by accident. But if they don't think and behave properly, their celebrity will be too short-lived. People don't like people who don't behave in a way that is appropriate for the social community. Their celebrity will not last long either and they will soon be forgotten. Even if they were victorious war-launching generals. (By the way, in the course of history, the person who started the war almost never won the war and soon became the forgotten celebrity. No matter how famous they were, adored personalities who were followed by millions, today we wouldn't even know their names if they weren't in textbooks and in school should learn their names and deeds.)

If you want to be a celebrity, the first thing you need to do is identify the social and economic issues that affect your social community. Women and men generally do not deal with the same issues. There are social issues that affect both men and women. These are, for example, earning opportunities, internet and online business opportunities. There are issues that occupy men more than the military, war, politics, and there are issues that women deal with more, such as art, child rearing, home furnishing, beauty. However, this is not exclusive. A lot of men deal with home furnishing or raising children. It is also worth thinking about the fact that although women are more likely to deal with the issue of art, painting, for example, as "consumers", i.e. visiting museums and exhibitions, the vast majority of creators are men.

At the beginning of the definition, the size of the social community at whose level the woman or man wants to be a celebrity must be determined. If it is a small community, let's say a city, then the issues that affect this community must be dealt with. If someone wants to be a celebrity at the level of a country or nation, they must deal with the issues that affect this large community.

So, for example, if someone wants to be the mayor of a settlement, he has to deal with the issues that the residents of the settlement deal with, which affect the residents of the settlement. These are usually settlement development programs, economic development, job creation and similar programs.

If a man or woman wants to be a celebrity at the level of a nation or a country, the main issue that he has to deal with is the national culture and its preservation, the development of the nation, and the strengthening of the national economy. But such a question can be the protection of the human environment, nature conservation, traditional care actions, social and cultural actions affecting the entire nation.

A celebrity's work must be planned if we don't want to leave it to chance. We can also choose some topics at random. But it is not certain that we will find the most suitable topics. There is a method developed for how to find these questions. This means some work and effort, but it is a much better solution than leaving the opportunity to chance. If you are interested in this method or would like to receive more information about becoming a celebrity and the lifestyle of a celebrity, write to my address: miksa.beer@gmail.com. Be sure to write: celebrity in the subject field.

How should the celebrity find the right answer to the questions?

It is important to find the questions concerning the social community at the beginning of the journey of becoming a celebrity, only in order to find suitable solutions and answers to the questions that we have found. And this is one of the key issues of all further development.

I know a celebrity who refused to work. Rather, he chose a seemingly easier path: He always criticized everyone everywhere. For two months, he appeared a lot on television and in newspapers. Half a year later, people completely forgot about it. I hope that's not what you want. This road is impassable. It is much better than this if you always praise everyone, but it is not a guarantee of successful cell improvement. Although people tend to quickly forget very negative people and enjoy the company of those who are kind, smile, and have a few good words for everyone.

If someone really wants to be a celebrity or become a celebrity, it is important to find answers to the given questions that are suitable for the social community. There is also a relatively simple way to do this. But you have to go along the way. Nobody becomes a celebrity overnight. And here it is worth mentioning another thing. If you want to be a celebrity in the long term, you have to look for the answers that will provide a long-term solution. The long-term, often repeated and short-term solution proclaimed by many to be the best can only give short-term success.

A very good example of this is one European country, whose capital city has a large river flowing through it and usually every year it floods the coastal roads, which are otherwise busy and important in the life of the city, and even some parts of the city. A successfully tested method of defense against this is to build a dam 50-150 kilometers before or after the city. On the one hand, they regulate the level of the river in the city, and on the other hand, since it is a large river, the dam's hydroelectric power plant can produce a huge amount of electricity. And there is always a shortage of electricity. The neighboring country (since the longer section of the river formed the border between the two countries) recommended that they jointly build a huge hydroelectric power plant, which would have protected both the capital of this country and several cities of the neighboring country from minor and major floods that recur every year, i.e. from that the great river would inundate the floodplains that could otherwise have been economically exploited. Thus, they would not only have made valuable human property safe, but also produced significant economic value.

The country made the matter a political issue and the power plant was not built. People believed the claims of the so-called conservationists that this would leave less water in the river. However, the truth is that, whether there is a dam or not, as much water flows down the river as is collected in the catchment area. No more, no less. That is why there are about ten hydropower plants working on this river in the two countries before the two countries mentioned, through which the river flows. Today, the mentioned country is increasingly struggling with a shortage of electricity and is looking for expensive solutions that will make the next few generations of the population heavily indebted. Today, people have forgotten the names of the former "greens". However, at that time they were well-known celebrities.

So it doesn't matter at all what kind of answer you give to social questions. There is an easy way to find these answers, as well as where and how to voice your opinion if you want to be a celebrity. If you are interested in this opportunity today, write to my address: miksa.beer@gmail.com. In the subject box, write: celebrity. I will answer all letters immediately.

For starters: Become a member of the Celebrity club and complete the Celebrity school. Detailed information: miksa.beer@gmail.com. Enter: Celebrity school in the subject field.

Celebrity club



Be our detective!

A murder has occurred in the city and the local police cannot solve the mystery. Poirot, Sherlock Holmes and Miss Marple are unable or unwilling to take on the case. Be our man.

This is a whole new game. This has never happened before. If you want to be one of the few who can participate in this online game, all you have to do is apply. Send us your e-mail address, where we can send the necessary materials, and the name you want to use in the game. Free!

Be our detective!

Legyél onlione nyomozó

 Legyél online nyomozó

Ez egy online játék. Téged is várunk, hogy bekapcsolódj. Sajnos az online játékban nem vehet részt túl sok ember. Egy-egy csoportba csak meghatározott számú játékost kapcsolok be. Siess jelentkezni, hogy ne maradj le. 

A játék lényege: A helyszínelők elkészítik a helyszíni jegyzőkönyveket. A kihalgatótisztek elvégzik a kihalgatásokat és arról is jegyzőkönyvet készítenek. 

Ha jelentkezel a játékra nyomozónak, te mindezeket a jegyzőkönyveket megkapod. A jegyzőkönyvek átolvasása után készíts egy rövid vázlatot: Írd meg, hogy szerinted mi történt. Ennek folytatásában mond meg, hogy szerinted hogyan kellene folytatni a nyomozást. Kit kellene kihallgatni, hogy a kihallgatótisztek elvégezhessék a munkát. Ha már van gyanúsítottad, azt is megírhatod, hogy kicsoda, de azt is megteheted, hogy a nyomozásod érdekében ezt nem mondod meg. Legfeljebb javaslod, hogy hallgassák ki a gyanúsítottat.

A te értékelésedet a többi jelentkező nem tudja majd elolvasni. Csak ha az értékelésed szerint tovább szeretnél jutni és újabb személyek kihalgatását, alibik felülvizsgálatát kéred, ezeket a jegyzőkönyveket a többi nyomozó is megkapja, mint ahogy te is megkapod a többi nyomozó által kért munka során elkészült jegyzőkönyvet. A cél természetesen az, hogy találd meg a tettest, legyél olyan sikeres, mint Poirot, Miss Marple, Sherlock Holmes, vagy Columbo. 

Az internet és az online világban mindig a gyorsaké a szernencse. Legyél gyors és jelentkezz. Ha meggondolod magad, ráérsz később is lemondani, kilépni a játékból. 

Aki jelentkezik, az természetesen megkapja az első, már kész jegyzőkönyveket, hogy bele lásson a szövevényes ügybe. Nem számít, hogy férfi, vagy nú vagy. A nyomozásban segíthet a férfiak bátor következtetése és a nők női megérzése is. Lehetsz fiatal, középkoru, vagy öreg. Mindenki előnyben van. A fiatalok vagány következtetéseikkel, a középkorúak a megfontoltságukkal, az idősek a tapasztalatukkal.

Ha jelentkezni akarsz az online játékra, csak annyira van szükség, hogy elküldesz egy e-mailt a címemre: minsa.beer@gmail.com. A subject mezőbe ne felejtsd el beírni: jelentkezés az online játékra. Küld el azt  az e-mail címet, amelyre a jegyzőkönyveket várod.

Legyél nyomozó


Novel Writing Tutorial (I may not know English well, but I'm the one who can help you!)

How to write a novel, be successful and make money with it


Novel writing is the simplest passive income

At least once in the life of every person, the thought of writing a novel, publishing a book, becoming successful, earning money with it turns around. According to one statistic, at least 4 out of ten people in developed countries are serious about novel writing and book publishing. Understandably, this is the easiest way to be successful and have a passive income. Therefore, you only have to work for income once when you write the novel. After that, you just advertise your book and gradually the money comes: More and more. But how do you write a novel easily, quickly, and simply?


Why isn’t it good to start writing with a biographical novel?

Most people want to write their own lives. However, writing a biographical novel is very difficult. It's hard to break away from reality. However, no one’s life is as hectic, full of twists and turns as it should be as an act of a good novel. Therefore, the plot should be expanded and changed. And it's very difficult for everyone. People prefer to stay true to what happened.

Therefore, you should not have your first book as a biographical novel!


Novel writing methods

There are countless methods of writing a novel. A lot of authors tell me how he would write a novel. One of the best known of these works is John Braine: How to Write a Novel. This is a book of about 100 pages. Many have already written bestselling novels using Braine's method. But unfortunately, the method takes a lot of work, it can take up to a year to use this method to write a novel and publish your book. If you don’t want to read that much and don’t feel like learning for months, there’s a simpler but equally effective method. This is Randy Ingermanson’s ten-step snowflake method. The method mentions ten steps, but even with this method, you can start writing a good novel after several months of planning and you have to devote 4-8 months of hard work to getting your novel done. And you only have to organize the book publishing after that. There is a simpler method, but the writers are reluctant to talk about it. There would be too many novelists, there would be more competition.


The School of Novel Writing: The How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly?

The School of Novel Writing, A How to write a novel easily and quickly? is actually just a simple tutorial. Six pages of text in dots. 12 points tells you how to write a novel. It walks you step-by-step through the “science” of novel writing and helps make your book appear as either an e-book or a printed novel.


Nowadays, I have heard several times that publishing books is expensive. This is not true. This is distributed by book publishers who want to earn a lot from novelists. There is an option for your novel to be published for the price of one book. Then all you have to do is tell as many people as possible that you have written a novel that they can buy. And enter the publisher's address.

The publisher’s stipulation is that you write the novel properly, make a cover page for it, upload it all, and write it on specific pages that your novel has been published. More specifically, there is one more stipulation: You have set the minimum and maximum price allowed for your novel. You can’t sell the novel for less than $ 1 or sell it for more than $ 10.

You can get all the information about all this in the novelist school tutorial.


Novel writing as a passive income

Every person on Earth longs for a passive income. The income is that you don’t have to do anything and you earn a lot. This is really only possible for the very rich. And they are very few. Don't dream about it!

Several businesses promise a passive income for your work, but the truth is that for these usually network-building companies, when you quit your job, you slowly begin to collapse what you have built up so far and one day wake up to your passive income. These are not real passive incomes because earning income requires permanent work. It is true that after a while this work may be simpler and something that people are more willing to do. But it's also work. In fact, there is no income without permanent work.

Novel writing and book publishing is what is perhaps closest to actual passive income. You write a good novel, you publish the book and the way people take your book, you will have a steady income. You work once and then enjoy the fruits of your labor for years or decades.


Novel writing brings success and fame

Women are looking for successful men, men want to connect with successful women. So you should be successful, known. A good novel can bring you social recognition and success. So you should work for the goal. Write a novel, publish your book, be successful, happy and recognized.

But it doesn’t matter at all how much work you have to invest in writing a novel. Let’s take an example: If you’re not 20 now and you choose the very good Braine method, you can write, say, 6-7 novels for the rest of your life. Few! If you choose the snowflake method, you can have 18-20 novels in your lifetime. Well, that's something, but the truth is that if you write only so many novels in, say, 60 years, you can't make a living from it. By the way, I would like to note here that all three methods are very good.

Those who make a living from writing novels today appear regularly every month, with a novel. It has more than 300 jobs in 60 years. Your goal is to keep having 12 novels that will bring you money. And it’s also important that by the time one of your novels is losing its popularity, it will be replaced by a new one that may be of interest to readers.


How much can you earn by writing a novel and publishing a book?

It depends on whether we are talking about an e-book or a printed novel. I think whoever writes a novel needs both forms. There are hardly any costs with an e-book. If you publish it in your own edition, up to 100 percent of the price can be yours. Still, I prefer one of the e-book publishers because they do the myriad tasks of book publishing for you. Therefore, they usually charge 30 to 50 percent of the price of the book. I think it’s even worth giving 50 percent of the price of the book to the publisher because that leaves you enough time to write another book. And it’s worth a lot more than the amount of money you have to give to the publisher.

In the case of a printed book, the situation is a little different. Here you have to reckon with the printing costs. A lot of publishers also want to talk about it at extra cost, such as review writing, a cover page designed by well-known graphic artists, and more. This is much cheaper and easier to solve. Find a good graphics program. Then go to at least 3-3 bookstores and libraries. At the bookstore, ask which are the 5 books that sell the most. Take a picture of your cover. In the library, ask which are the five books that most people read. Then photograph your cover. You already have 10 good ideas. Of course, the content of the book also plays a big role in the number of copies sold and the readership. But among the ten ideas, there are certainly some that have fallen into this group because of their cover. Show 5-10 friends the pictures. It’s good if the images are small and the author’s name or the title of the novel is barely legible, so the graphic design will be what people decide. Ask them which book they would buy or read. Then make a similar cover page for your own novel in a 2: 3 ratio. This is also the average ratio of book sizes.

In the case of a printed book, publishers usually give the author 20 percent of the price. But I’ve also heard of a book publisher that only allowed 10 percent. The book publisher I mentioned, by the way, passes 25 percent of the price of the book to the publisher.

And then we now calculate the possible claim. If you have a contract with this publisher (it’s an online contract that you can make with an internet connection) and you want to sell your book for $ 10, you’re earning $ 2.5 per book. There are also much cheaper books than this, but you will also find a good number of more expensive ones. Evaluate yourself so much that it’s a medium price that’s slightly higher than average (you’re asking $ 10). If you take 30 minutes a day to write about your book in free online advertising newspapers, it won’t be hard to sell 10 books a day. That's 250 books a month. That means you're earning $ 625. Not many. But if you keep 12 books you sell, you can already earn $ 5,000- $ 6,000 a month. And that is already a high salary. And meanwhile you’re doing a job where your earnings don’t depend on anyone but you.

Of course you have to work for it. Because all income is based on work. But how to write a novel easily and quickly?


How to write a novel easily and quickly?

I mentioned that there is an easy way to write a novel easily and quickly. Of course, you can also use Randy Ingermanson’s ten-step snowflake method, or the method mentioned in John Braine’s book, How to Write a Novel. But I still recommend a simpler, easier method than these. And not just to buy my just six-page guide, How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly (though I honestly admit it, it’s not a side thing for me either). I recommend this method primarily because it allows you to write a novel really quickly. Of course, I only recommend this method (and the rest) if it is important to you to value society, succeed, and earn a reputation and make money. It is also important that you can use this method to write a novel and publish a book while working. It doesn't matter how old you are. My first book, if I remember correctly, was published when I was 25 years old. I am seventy today. So if you can already write and can still write, have ideas, or can find ideas, maybe with a little help you can find suitable novel ideas, you might want to write a novel. Let’s say from the age of 10 to the age of 90.

I was a journalist and no one taught me how to write a novel. I figured it out on my own. In the pre-Internet era, John Braine’s book, How to Write a Novel, helped, followed by the myriad of writings that appear on the Internet about it. A whole range of books, studies, case studies. But if you really want to be successful, you don’t need these. They are too complicated, detailed and long. I, too, always wanted something simple, short to the point. I was not interested in the many hours of expensive courses. I wanted someone to explain in a simple and understandable way what I needed to do and walk you through the process of writing a novel.

What I recommend to you is just a six-page material. But this material will guide you step by step through all the hidden secrets of novel writing and book publishing. You don't have to learn anything. Just buy a booklet as a note, open a world page on your machine and get to work. More specifically, take 2 hours to read the first 8 points of the 12 points and write down your answers in your notebook. You should still keep your notebook with you to write down any important things you may need later as a writer.)

You can do this job even faster. Then you have only one task left: to write a novel. This is the ninth point. And if you keep following points 7 and 8, it won’t be hard to write one chapter a day. With this method, you can complete your novel in 22 days. Then review and correct spelling and typing errors in three days. (Proofreading - correcting spelling mistakes - can be entrusted to a professional proofreader, but it costs a lot of money. If the spelling is tender, look for someone among your acquaintances and family members who are good at it and ask them to review the text favorably. This is also a good solution because you usually can't find the mistakes you just made.)

After that, take a day to look for cover page ideas. The next day, select and create a cover for your novel, then upload it all to the publisher’s page. The publisher I mentioned, as you bought 1 copy of your own book, will immediately start selling your book, even in the form of an e-book and a printed book, worldwide. Need more than that? But no less, if you want to be a successful writer, want to make a living from writing novels and publishing books, and you need a passive income.


How to write a novel easily and quickly?

How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly is just six pages long. There is no side effect in it. Concise and short. It walks you step-by-step through exactly the process you need to do.


Remember, if you buy this material, you won’t be a writer yet. You will only be a writer if you do everything in the 12 points. A writer is a person who writes.

Just six pages of material costs $ 37. I could give for less, but I don’t want to. My goal is to buy it only for those who really want to write a novel and publish a book. There are many people who call themselves writers and who have been keeping their novels and novel plans in the drawer of their desk for years. Too much. We would need those who not only start but also finish the work they have started.

I also recommend this short material to those who want to buy it so that one day, when they start writing a novel, they don't have to research methods. Enough to take out the six-page material, run it through and start working. For people who don’t want to take long courses, learn for months, years. They are looking for a simple and quick solution.

So how do you write a novel easily and quickly? material is only six pages long and costs $ 37. The $ 37 must be deposited into my bank account (Beer Miksa, 24300 Backa Topola, Baranjska ulica 19, Serbia, Bank number: RS35325934270241607906, Vojvodjanska banka AD, Swift code: OTPVRS22, Intermediary: Deutsche Bank Turst Company American New York, Swift code: BK . There is no other option, you can only pay through a bank (in addition to bearing the bank charges) in order to keep your proof that you have paid the money. Then take a photo or scan of the proof of payment and send the proof of payment from your own email address to my address: miksa.beer@gmail.com. I will only send it to that email address within 7 days of How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly? material from which I received an email confirming the payment.

It's just that the material has NO money back guarantee. It’s not a dress you can take back to the store because you don’t like the color. This is not a meat grinder that you want to return because it doesn’t work. A How to write a novel easily and quickly? material is a tool with which you can write your first or many hundredth novel easily, quickly and simply. It would be easy to photocopy six pages and then ask for your money back. If you think about it, don't even sign up, don't order How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly? material.

The material may not be copied, sold, or given to anyone. Of course, if you do, I cannot control it. But remember, you are gaining competition for yourself. Do you need this?

There is no other, cheaper, possibly free material. Just How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly? I offer material. If you want, you need it, buy it. I have not published details from the material. Not here or anywhere else. A How to write a novel easily and quickly? material can only be purchased in one way: by paying for its value and emailing the order to my address.


Write a novel