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Passive online income: write a novel

 Write a successful novel quickly and easily

(I probably don’t speak English perfectly, but I’m the one who can help you!)
There are some novels in every person there. There are sad days, shocking events, happy minutes in every person's life. Events you want to tell in the form of a novel, you want to write. Most people’s novels are never written. Yet it only takes a little will to describe what you think.
Nevertheless, very few write novels. Would the will be missing? Or is something else the problem? Let’s just say the trouble isn’t in the person.
According to statisticians, four out of ten people in the U.S. want to write novels. But only two of them take this idea seriously. Every hundredth person starts writing a novel once in their life. But only every ten thousandth is made with it. Nine out of ten novels written remain unpublished. Only one in a hundred thousand people will complete their novel and send the novel to the reader. And more importantly, only every millionth person manages to write a successful novel. Why?
Nor is it rare for someone to write their novel and then correct it for years. But the novel just doesn’t want to be the way the author envisioned it to be. Because the novel is a strange thing. When you write your novel, they are born. Characters, novel heroes are born, they die, a novel story comes to life ... It's a complex process. And if somewhere the novel doesn’t turn out the way the novel writer wanted it to, it’s very hard and tedious to fix the novel. In 99 percent of cases, it is unsuccessful and ineffective. Not only would the novel have been better, but the threads would be even more tangled, the author of the novel would be completely lost in the whirlpool of events.
And this is not just the case in the US. Millions of writers want to write novels. And they get lost, just because they didn’t do something the way they should have. Yet they could have been effective and successful.
If you are reading these lines now, you are also one of the many millions of people who wanted to write a novel. Successful novel easily and quickly. Some give up. They set aside writing and never take it out again. Yet the novel lives in them. You just have to write. The way a novel should be written.

Writing a novel begins with the design of the novel and only then is a good novel born

I don’t speak English perfectly, but I’m the one who can help you. I don't want to talk about novel writing. On the contrary. I want you to write your novel.
If you are reading these lines now, you are also one of those who want to write a novel. Very good, successful novel. In the novel, you want to preserve something for posterity, you want to tell something, you want to commemorate someone or yourself. That's a big deal. Writing a novel is not an easy thing. But writing a novel is by no means an impossible task. You can do it. You can write a good novel too. You just have to go a certain way towards writing the novel.
When you make breakfast for yourself, you think about what to do and how to do it. Though you've done it many thousands of times, you have a huge experience. If you want to buy me, you think about what, how and where to buy. Yet you have already bought many thousands of things. You have a huge experience. If you want to buy a car, you have to learn to drive first ... You haven't written a novel or a successful novel yet. Why, then, do you think that writing a novel is just about sitting down in front of white paper and starting to write your novel? Where does the planning stay?
Of course, there was a novelist in history who wrote his novel without any planning and the novel did very well. But many more writers failed to write a novel like this. The best known writers also used notes, notes, plans. This was their particular novel designer. Some have lost years developing his own good novel design. There is no need for that today.
Informatics has taken a huge turn not only in the publishing of the novel, but also in the field of novel writing. A novelist no longer has to figure out his designer. Dozens of different novel designers are available online. From quite simple, short novel designers to comprehensive, organized novel designers. I recommend such a latter. Because the better the designer of a novel, the better we can make a plan for our novel. The easier and faster we will be able to write and the sooner we will be done writing the novel, but at the same time, the novel can be better.
Of course, it all depends on the price. You can even download quite simple novel designers from the internet for free. But this is rare. The price of novel designers on the internet ranges from $ 1 to $ 20. Naturally, the more expensive novel designer is more comprehensive, more complete, and can help the author of the novel much more. The novel designer I suggest costs $ 17. This amount should be sent to my address (Miksa Ber, 24300 Backa Topola, Baranjska 19, Serbia). As an annotation, the e-mail address to which the novelist is waiting for the novel designer should be attached.
This is a general novel designer. The author can use it to write countless novels. You just print a new novel designer from the attachment you received in the email to create a plan for your new novel and you can start writing your new novel. Of course, you no longer have to pay for using the novel designer again. This is why the novel designer is not in pdf format but in world document format. Thus, it can be easily used and completed by novelists who are not so familiar with the use of computer programs.
But there is still something to be done with this format: Any novelist can further shape the novel designer. You can skip, delete parts that you won’t need for a particular novel, or expand parts where the planned novel requires it. I recommend that you also add the original novel designer to your computer. Like I said, this is a universal novel designer. You may need different data for your second novel than the one you used for your first novel. If you do not delete parts from the original novel designer, recording these new important data will not be a problem when creating another novel design.
This general novel designer costs $ 17. Not much, but not a little for a novel designer, because you can get a novel designer cheaper. But I know how much this novel designer is worth, how he can help the novel writer. It is well worth the price. Anyway, what could you buy for $ 17. Let's say two good books. These are worth reading, but I doubt that by reading just two good books, anyone could learn to write a good novel. And this designer can help the novelist with this.
For $ 17 a lifetime, you can help write countless books. This novel designer is definitely worth the price.

What kind of novel should we write when we are preparing to write our first novel?

And here comes why it’s not good to start a career as a novelist with an autobiographically inspired theme.
It is often said that life is the best novelist. In general, this is true. A lot of things happen in life. Something novelists don’t even think about. Many people want to write a novel just because of what happened to them. But:
Life is not busy enough to grab the reader’s attention. The series of problems and solutions does not happen when and not as the writing that catches the reader’s attention requires. In order for an event that has taken place to be a good novel, it is often necessary to deviate from the events that have taken place during the plot of the novel. We need to change the order, the character of each actor. Many times you have to strive for the events of the novel to follow each other faster than it was in life. The vast majority of people, especially those who work on their first novel and want to put a part of their own life on paper, find it much harder in the novel to tear apart and deviate from what happened than in the case of a heard or fictional event. Therefore, rather write 2-3 novels that you had nothing to do with in life, you only heard, saw, read, or just invented and only then pick up the biographical story and try to think with a novelist's head and not like the protagonist of events: in everything exactly to cling to what has happened.
In addition to autobiographical novels, two other types of novels would not be recommended to novice writers. These are family novels and crime novels. I do not recommend family novels because these novels, which have been so popular in the past centuries, usually cover a longer period, are larger. The authors of the family novel usually wrote their family novels as a social critique. In the past, readers liked the many hundred-page novels, so they weren’t bothered by the long story. Ordinary novels were also 250-300 pages long, which corresponds to 450-540 A4 pages of text in today's popular unit of measure, calculated in the unit of measure used in journalism.
By the way, a plaque with a font size of 12 and one and a half line spacing means 30 lines on the A4 page, with 60 characters per line, that is, 1800 letters per page. The font size of 12 on the computer is closest to the font size of the former typewriters. Books, by the way, are made in smaller letters relative to the size of the page on the book, which means that a page usually fits 20 to 50 percent more lines and a line 20 to 50 percent more letters. On average, we can assume that a book page corresponds to 1.8 spots.
Nowadays, readers prefer to focus on thinner books. The most popular are 150-180 page books that require 270-320 stains of material. And with so much material, it’s hard to squeeze in the story of a family novel.
And I wouldn’t recommend crime novels to first-book authors because this book market is the most saturated. Plenty of criminal novels were written. Too many people still deal with this genre today. Even though this type of novel requires the most meticulous design and the most work. Most of it involves pitfalls and difficulties.
All I want to say is that in the case of novels and other books, printers and publishers still do not use the usual unit of measurement from journalism, the plaque mentioned earlier, but the author's sheet. An author's sheet represents 40,000 characters. Sure, contracts for your novel will also include author sheets. But to avoid this, here’s a simple way to convert: 1 author’s sheet equals 22.22 blacks.

Why write a novel

Most people not only want to write something, they also look for a source of income. The novel is the oldest source of passive earnings. It is enough to write once, then bring in income for months, years, decades. The better, the more income it provides and the longer it lasts.
That is why it is worth writing a novel. 100 percent of those on the Internet want to make money. Many of them have some idea. But most are just at the level of searching for an idea. Among so many ideas, it’s worth thinking about writing a novel. You may want to write one or more good novels in parallel with another idea. If the novel is good (and you need a good designer for that), success depends only on marketing.

How do we use the novel designer to write the novel?

There are two stages to using a novel designer. In the first stage, the author of the novel thinks through the theme of the novel, the planned novel story, and organizes the plot.
He plans the whole story, breaks it down into appropriate parts, and sketches the novel. Of course, in addition to breaking the plot, something else is needed. The novel is a copy of life. So even in real life, even in the novel, garnish is needed. In addition to the plot and characters of the novel, it is necessary to know the environment, time and place of the plot. We also need to know what could have been going on in the world at the time the novel’s plot took place, what the characters might have been talking about, what events might have caught their attention. We need to know what the weather might have been at the place and time of the plot, how long it could take to get from one named city to another. We need to know what education, health care, passenger traffic was like. How did they travel? Did the women go to school and if so, what school did they go to?
Whether we find ourselves faced with a good or bad novel is often decided by trifles: The novel’s plot does not fit the environment, or the environment is unrealistic, or the writer may have erred and drawn an inappropriate environment around his plot.
If all of this is properly and well planned, well summed up, another period of using the designer may come. As we read the plot of each chapter with the other important information and start writing the novel, breaking it down into chapters and then chapters into scenes, the designer is our support. It determines the course of the plot, the content of each chapter. Good design can give strength to chapters and this is necessary if we want the chapters to engage the reader.
So let’s take a look at how to use the finished novel designer.
1. Read the story of the novel.
2. Read the entry for the chapter of the novel you are about to write.
3. Read the first scene in the chapter breakdown section.
4. Read the description of the characters in the scene, look at the description or drawing of the plot for that scene, and the description of the events related to the time of the plot, and write the scene in 3-5 pieces of text.
If this scene is the starting scene of the chapter, we need to provide a start that grabs the reader with the first two lines. This is because people read a line on a flat screen (60 characters) in an average of 4 seconds. If you can’t grab your reader’s attention in 8-10 seconds, you’ve lost your reader. You may continue to read the book, but that is not at all certain.
By the way, the other present should also strive to arouse the reader's interest with the first 5 lines.
If this scene is the concluding scene of the chapter, the plot should be written on the last spot so as to draw the reader’s attention to the next chapter. An exception is the last scene in the last chapter. This is the closing scene. The reader should feel that the story of the novel is over. Nowadays, it is fashionable for the author to continue the successful novels later with another rehearsal. That is why there is a need for a closure that allows for continuation. Don’t kill all the protagonists of your novel, don’t ruin the world, don’t lose interest. You will have nothing to pursue.
An important part of the novel designer is the list of characters. You don’t have to name every character in the novel. It is enough to mark some only according to their characteristics or occupation. If there are too many names in a novel. It is difficult for the reader to follow the plot. It’s good to use most 9-10 names, differentiating the other characters in the novel based on their occupation or characteristics: the gardener, or the lame man, the little girl, or the flower-lady lady ... These characters should be listed in the list of characters. When a new character is added to the plot, add it to the cast list. Enter with whom you are in a relationship, family, occupation, or friendship. Also, important things about the new character in the novel should be noted in the comment box so that we don’t forget when this character in our novel reappears.

Write a successful novel in 30 days

Many writers write their novels over long months. But there are also those who write a successful novel in 30-50 days. Do you want to be a good novelist? Be one of the latter!
But how do you write a novel in 30 days? Quite simply:
1. Make a plan for your novel. Divide the story of the novel into chapters 20-25. It takes 3-30 days to make a novel plan. There is also a slower and a much faster route.
2. Write one chapter a day according to the novel’s plan. This requires writing 12-15 stains of text per day. And your novel will be ready in 30 days.
I recommend you create a novel plan in 3-5 days. You will need a faster way to do this. How can you do it? You can find out from the novel's plan. So, as a first step, order the novel’s plan. The novel designer I suggest costs $ 17. This amount should be sent to my address (Miksa Beer, 24300 Backa Topola, Baranjska 19, Serbia). As an annotation, the e-mail address to which the novelist is waiting for the novel designer should be attached.
Write a successful novel in 30 days

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