I probably haven't learned English correctly yet - but I'm sure I can help you.

Want to be famous, successful, happy or rich? - There is a secret that will help in this!
Sometime the kings were famous. Then the scientists were the famous people. Fifty years ago, everyone was a singer or an actor. Today they talk to ordinary people on television, on radio, in a newspaper. Why aren't you that? Would you like to be known? There is a secret that helps. Read this blog every day. Every day the tiny details of the secret will be discussed. Want to know more? Do you want to get to know the secret quickly and easily? It is possible!
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User-generated content business ideas for young


Internet club of young poets

Eva, 16: I'm in high school. I like to write poetry. I haven't tried to send my poems to any literary magazine yet, but my girlfriends think my poems are good. I have noticed that a relatively large number of high school students write poetry, but almost no one tries to publish their poems, even though I think we all have a burning desire to prove ourselves. We want to publish our poems, and to be known, even if writing poems is such an old thing. In an old article, you wrote that I could publish my poem without it costing much. You also wrote that I can search on the Internet with this. How?

Answer: There are two methods. It is one of the more widespread and is also used by several websites and blogs. The method is very simple: You start your own blog or website. For this, you can use a free website creation or blog editing system. Good systems allow you to have your own domain because then you are the owner of the blog or website. You can buy a domain from 20-20 USD. If you want the website or blog to be entirely yours, then you either have to build a website yourself, which you may not understand, or you have to order your website or blog from someone. You don't need to find the most expensive website builder, but you can't do it for less than 100-130 USD. In addition, you also have to pay for monthly posting, although many hosting companies allow it quite cheaply. But if you use a free website builder, you won't need these costs. With your own domain, you register an account with one of the free website-building systems. Most systems enable simple and fast website building, and many also allow you to search with your website created in this way. (You can also register an account for yourself for free, but then the system may not allow you to use the site to earn money). After that, all you have to do is write on the first page that this is the website of a literary club, which displays the poems, biographies, and photos of the members. You determine the amount of the membership fee (between USD 3-20 per month), then you continuously advertise your blog and regularly post the poems and biographies sent to you by readers. It's good that young creators tell each other about the opportunity, thus spreading the word about your site. The good side of this solution is that the content (with few exceptions) is created by someone else, but you earn with the club. Another good thing about the system is that you can enter the market even in a language that you do not speak perfectly. Let's say you can appear on the currently largest internet market, the English or Hindi language markets.

User-generated content business ideas for young

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