I probably haven't learned English correctly yet - but I'm sure I can help you.

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Online business ideas

Private label rights

The English-language market is several hundred times larger than the Hungarian-language market. It is also important that while the Hungarian-language market for some products, such as music and books, has been shrinking in recent years, the English-language market is growing dynamically. (This is not only because the number of Hungarian-speaking people is decreasing, but also because more and more people are learning English in other countries. Of course, the number of inhabitants of English-speaking countries is growing faster and faster. But a similar phenomenon can be observed if the market for English-language products is compared with the language market of most countries 5-10 million). While often only a few hundred books can be sold in Hungarian, it is not uncommon for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of copies to be sold in English.
If you want to earn more with a digital written product, it is worth focusing on English products in addition to Hungarian products. But what if you don't know enough English to publish a book in English? You can choose six paths.
1. You use an Internet translation program. This is not always good. Think about it: for example, in Hungarian, drag and pull mean the same thing. But there is a big difference between a draft and a train. And it's the same for other languages. Translation programs have not yet been able to bridge these language specificities, so there is always the risk that the translation will be of poor quality, or possibly unenjoyable, in the case of a translator made with such programs.
2. You translate your book. This is not exactly a cheap solution. Translators at an acceptable level usually translate for 8-12 euros per page. Of course, you can also look for a cheaper translator, but then you have to take the risk of poor quality. (I'm just noting that in developed countries, a high-quality translation of a novel costs $20,000 or several times that amount).
3. You find a ghostwriter and have him write the book. These are people who are willing to write under a different name for a small amount. You can find hundreds of thousands of ghostwriters on the Internet. They will write a book of 20-200 pages for a few thousand dollars. Of course, the quality of the book is proportional to the amount paid. The better the ghostwriter, the more expensive his work. And it's also a problem that it's not your book. It only appears under your name. Not your idea, you just bought it. But there are products where this does not cause a problem: For example, in the user manual of technical books.
4. You collect quotes and poems for a book and publish them. Very successful writers have also used this solution. It is a well-known solution among philosophers and marketers.
5. You choose a user-generated content solution. These are systems where the users themselves create the content. Such are Facebook, blogs and website builders, often free platforms, news portals, but such are advertising sites, "true stories" type sites, "submit your poem" sites, forums, and discussion sites. (These pages are worth dealing with separately.)
6. Private label rights and similar sites. These are sites that sell ready-made written materials with various rights for free or for a very small fee. For example, you have the right to identify yourself as the author of the purchased material and sell it, even for a significant amount. Let's say you get it for free or $1-$5 and sell it for $10-$60 per copy.
Private label right-type sites can form the basis of serious business systems. There are also many books available for free. Different terms and abbreviations also indicate the acquired rights. There are places where all you get is that you continue to sell the book without making any changes and you get the entire income. But there is also an option where you can even rewrite the book, omit parts, insert your own parts, change the titles and subtitles, even the title of the book, and indicate yourself as the author. However, the restrictions accepted in the Internet world do not always cover the same rights, so if you receive such material or download it for free, you should always check exactly what rights you are getting. The seller must indicate this next to the text offered. (You have to be careful, because there are also cases when you get the digital book for free, but you can't give it as a gift, you can only sell it for money!)
The other thing is that among these digital books, there are quite a few of poor quality. It doesn't hurt to check who the author is. Always enter the author's name in the search engine (e.g. Google) and find out who it is. Similarly, check the address of the purchased or received article in the search engine. It's good if you can find some reviews, but it's also worth keeping track of their authors.
How to earn from these books? You can sell it on an auction site, upload it to platforms dealing with the sale of digital products, or create your own blog, website, webshop or platform where you can sell the product. Either as a PLR product or as a digital product (after all, among PLR products you can often find really good digital products, writing as well.) But you can also offer it as a gift to those who subscribe to your newsletter and provide their e-mail address (of course, only if you have been given the right to give the book to someone for free). You can then offer them your own digital or physical product in newsletters.
In addition to the PLR group, the RR and MRR groups occur most often. The RR, i.e. Rasel Right rights means that you can continue to sell the book you bought or even downloaded for free, but your buyer can no longer sell or give away the book for free. (Of course, one copy can be given to someone as a gift). MRR, i.e. Master Resell Right, means that you can sell the purchased product and also the purchased rights, i.e. your buyer can resell the book in the same way as you. However, you cannot identify yourself as the author of products marked RR or MRR, and you do not have the right to modify the product. Moreover, the original author has the right to introduce special legal restrictions.
Finally: Where do you find such sites? The easiest way is to enter the terms "private label right" or, even better, "free private label right" in the search engine. But if you don't feel like it or have the time, check out our house, plr. me, idplr, plr products, plr database. Just type these terms into your search engine.
However, never forget that whatever digital product you sell, whether it's your own or someone else's, or a digital product you've purchased or obtained for free, your success always depends on how effectively you can promote your product.
Step-by-step solution
1. Obtain the material and, according to the rights granted, modify and rewrite it.
2. Upload the material to a platform that sells digital products (if you want to sell it yourself from home, skip this step)
3. If you want to sell the book yourself, prepare a short description of where and how the person who wants to buy the book should pay (via online payment, bank transfer, postal or other money sending, premium SMS...). If you sell the book yourself, put this description after every ad you publish.
4. Write posts about why it will be good for whoever buys the book and advertise the product on free advertising sites and social media sites (Facebook, Linkedin...)
5. If you sell the brochure on the right platform, it allows the customer to download it. If you sell it yourself in digital form, send the book to the paying customer by e-mail. If you want to sell it in physical form, send it on some kind of data medium (CD, DVD, flash drive...)
Advantages of the business
You can enter the market quickly, you don't have to spend money on the product.
Disadvantages of the business
Really good PLR products are not given for free, you have to pay for them. The better it is and the greater the demand for the product in the market, the more the seller asks for the product.
What is the business's lead time?
The first customers can apply 1-2 weeks after the publication of the first ads. After that, if you spend 20-30 minutes a day on advertising, the number of products sold will constantly increase. When growth slows down, start looking for another product and prepare it for sale.
How much can you earn with it?
Do the math: If you sell just 5,000 copies for $20, you'll make $100,000. It all depends on what material you choose and how well you can advertise.
This is important not only so that you know what other work you can do if this does not work out, but also so that you know what other online business you can run in parallel.
Other suitable online businesses may include:
- Organization of a service selling digital materials
- Selling own materials
- Publication of books with little content (on Amazon)
- Write and publish a valuable book over the Internet
online business ideas

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