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Online business ideas for women

Remote conversation partner

Remote conversation partner: There are things you don't like to discuss with your family members. And it's not just about cold relationships. This is why psychology considers it more and more important for women to have spiritual friends, and for men to have druses and buddies.

For many people, it would be a big help if they were listened to (this is why psychiatrists and psychologists are so popular in American films). Most people would turn to a stranger for advice to keep their identity a secret. Once upon a time, people complained about their problems to pen-pals. The pen pal knew the man relatively well, but the distance was a guarantee of secrecy. Today, perhaps chat would be suitable for this, except that most of the time the people chatting know each other only superficially. Many times it just depends on the chance that those two people are talking.

Apart from that, the roles in the chat are completely different. One or more active people meet in the chat. To solve the problems, it would be good if one party listened to the other. And if you are willing to listen to others and the other person can be sure that you will keep the secrets you hear, you can be that other person. In addition to preserving the secret of the personality, an agency should be opened which would listen to people for money, and possibly give advice. The contact could be via e-mail, Skype, or Messemger.

This is an idea that has recently started to find a place for itself on the unlimited Internet in developed countries. All you need to know is that if you use chat or Skype, you are selling your own time. And you can only have as many customers as you can talk to. If you choose the e-mail solution, you can have many more customers, because if necessary, during the development of the business, you can even employ letter writers and consultants.

Step-by-step solution

1. Open an e-mail account that you will only use for your work. The e-mail address should not include your name but rather draw attention to your work: conversational partner, spiritual guide, problem solver...

2. Open a blog with the same name as the name part of your email address. Describe your work, offer yourself to people struggling with the problem and write to which e-mail address they should send their letters, how they can pay and how much they have to pay. Update the blog weekly with a description of a problem. In the beginning, you have to look for the problem on the Internet. Later, you can also write about the problems that arise in your work, but be careful that people cannot be recognized. Confidentiality is the most important thing in this job.

3. If you've decided that you're going to work on this online business idea, advertise your business: Post an introductory and introductory text daily on two social portals and in the corresponding sections of at least five free classifieds sites.

4. Visit five forums daily, where you read the questions and advise at least 3 people, specifying your e-mail address.

5. The business must be advertised continuously. Later, if you do your job well, word-of-mouth viral advertising from satisfied customers will help a lot.

Advantages of the business

- You work with private individuals, so it is easier to organize payment for your work (it can even be done by phone SMS!)

- You don't depend on anyone, if you are persistent, you can earn as much as you want.

- You can have customers from all over the world

- You can place a small ad at the bottom of each answer. Either you advertise yourself or others for money (This means extra income)

Disadvantages of the business

- It takes a long time to start a business

- The business cannot be automated

- You only earn when you work

What is the business's lead time?

If you advertise your business well, you can expect your first customers within 30-40 days. Thus, the business is continuously profitable after 90 days. After a bad advertisement, the first customers and mass applications of customers are expected later. If you don't get good results after 180 days, you're doing your online business wrong. Either fix the mistakes (Be more direct with people, build trust) or switch to another business.

How much can you earn with it?

Relatively much. It doesn't take more than 15-30 minutes to answer each problem. If you charge HUF 10 USD for the answers, your rate is average. When you have enough clients, you can work 6 hours a day, which means that your earnings can be 180-200 USD per day, that is, if you work every day during the month, your earnings can exceed 6000 USD monthly.


This is important not only to know what other work you can do if this does not work out but also to know what other online business you can run in parallel.

Other suitable online businesses may include:

- Education counseling (you can work with, say, difficult-to-manage children)

- Writing, publishing, and selling a relationship book (Can also be an e-book)

- Career advice

- Leading a virtually anonymous group of addicts (togetherness gives members strength to cope with their problems)

Online business ideas for women

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