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Want to be famous, successful, happy or rich? - There is a secret that will help in this!
Sometime the kings were famous. Then the scientists were the famous people. Fifty years ago, everyone was a singer or an actor. Today they talk to ordinary people on television, on radio, in a newspaper. Why aren't you that? Would you like to be known? There is a secret that helps. Read this blog every day. Every day the tiny details of the secret will be discussed. Want to know more? Do you want to get to know the secret quickly and easily? It is possible!
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Be Celebrity!

  You could be a celebrity too. Why aren't you a celebrity?

Who is the celebrity?

A celebrity is a person who is the actual or community leader of a small or large community. A celebrity is a person who is asked about important things. A celebrity is someone who has an opinion and says it.

Once upon a time, only very rich people could be celebrities, and among them only those who had many similarly rich friends. In order for someone to become a celebrity, it was also important that the community respected him or perhaps feared him. It was important that similarly wealthy people accepted his opinion and appreciated what he said or did.

Later, writers and poets became celebrities. People, especially women, read their books, recited their poems, and admired them. They looked for their company and bragged if they were somewhere in the same company as a celebrity, talked to him or just met him.

Then came the time of musicians and singers. From the middle of the last century, musicians were considered celebrities. They were the ones people wanted to follow. They were the pedagogues. In fact, the period when musicians and singers were the famous people, celebrities, continues to this day. Moreover, nowadays this social situation is getting stronger again.

But in the meantime, the athletes also became celebrities. A celebrity athlete doesn't need to have an opinion. You don't even need to say it, voice it. While it was important for rich people leading society, who were considered celebrities, or for writers and poets, to express their opinions on issues important to society, an athlete can be a celebrity without dealing with the issues that affect society at all. They simply achieve good results in sports.

In the case of musicians, it can also happen that a musician or singer who does not deal with important issues becomes a celebrity. They just happen to be liked by the community for some reason. However, many musicians have an opinion on the social issues that they think are important and express it in their music and singing. These musicians are major celebrities. They will continue to be known and famous. The situation is similar with athletes. An athlete who has an opinion, who speaks his opinion, is a major celebrity.

What about celebrities today?

Nowadays, in the era of the internet economic and social revolution, almost anyone can be a celebrity. Until the early 1900s, celebrities could almost exclusively be men. The truth is that there were some famous women even then. Let's say someone who was a well-known painter or model for painters. The queen must have been a celebrity. But in the male-centered society, the courtesan or the actress, for whose favor many would have done anything, could also be a female celebrity. With the release of the film, the process of the leading actresses becoming celebrities intensified. They were the highlights of social life. In fact, there was no need to deal with social issues. According to disingenuous comments, an actress didn't even need to be smart to be a celebrity. It could be silly if it was beautiful and liked by many.

In terms of the ratio of female celebrities to male celebrities, today men and women have an equal opportunity to be celebrities. It is not important that they have great knowledge, have many degrees, or be inventors. Anyone can be a celebrity if they can soberly assess the issues affecting and interest society, have an opinion on the issues, dare to say it and can say it. So, to be a celebrity, the following four things must be true:

1. The celebrity, whether male or female, knows which issues are of most interest and concern to the social community.

2. The celebrity, whether male or female, has a logical, socially acceptable opinion on these issues affecting society.

3. The celebrity, whether male or female, dares to speak his mind.

4. The celebrity, whether male or female, can tell his opinion.

Without this fourth point, no one becomes a celebrity. Many people think that it is enough if only the first three conditions are met. But this is not the case at all. A lot of people think about issues affecting society. A suitable opinion will form in your thoughts. In fact, he even dares to say, he will never become a celebrity. Why? Because you don't express your opinion in the right place or in the wrong form. In order to be a celebrity, it is necessary that your opinion be heard and even if it is not accepted, at least people will think about it. It is not enough to express your opinion on the most visited portal or social media site. If a woman or man wants to be a celebrity, they have to say their thoughts in such a way that people can listen to them and that it awakens some kind of thought in them, that is, that it provokes a thought reaction.

Of course, there is an easier way to become a celebrity. Although it was only given to the lucky few. For example, become a well-known actor, a successful singer, or a world-famous athlete. Become the president of a large state, a successful writer, a famous painter. But if you don't have a chance for such an opportunity, learn how to become a celebrity.

Why should you become a celebrity?

The celebrity is a well-known person. The celebrity's opinion is listened to and taken into account by the people. The celebrity is respected by the people, although there are also cases when the celebrity is hated by the people. One thing is for sure: Nobody is indifferent to celebrities. Almost everyone has an opinion about celebrities.

What is more important than fame and notoriety is that celebrities make money with celebrity. They can earn directly, say, by paying them to give interviews, appear on various TV and radio shows, or perhaps be judges of competitions. However, celebrities earn much more by doing what they are known for. Let's say the singer sings, the athlete plays sports. But there are also cases, more and more often, when the celebrity turns celebrity into money in a different way. Let's say you write a book that you sell successfully. He does lifestyle consulting, but he can also be a fashion consultant or start a profitable online business. Let's say you can be a car salesman or a real estate agent. People like to brag that they bought their car, house, or something else from someone they know.

Today, most celebrities are looking for a simpler solution. Most celebrities try to capitalize on their fame on the Internet. It is a fact that celebrities sell products more successfully on the Internet than lesser-known people. And in the advertising industry, celebrities are much more sought after by advertising organizers than unknown, ordinary people. In short, celebrity means money and earning opportunities. Even if it is not a profession, it can be a useful addition to any profession.

The beginning of the journey to becoming a celebrity

As I said, in the world of the social revolution of the Internet, anyone can be a celebrity. Many people find themselves in this situation by accident. But if they don't think and behave properly, their celebrity will be too short-lived. People don't like people who don't behave in a way that is appropriate for the social community. Their celebrity will not last long either and they will soon be forgotten. Even if they were victorious war-launching generals. (By the way, in the course of history, the person who started the war almost never won the war and soon became the forgotten celebrity. No matter how famous they were, adored personalities who were followed by millions, today we wouldn't even know their names if they weren't in textbooks and in school should learn their names and deeds.)

If you want to be a celebrity, the first thing you need to do is identify the social and economic issues that affect your social community. Women and men generally do not deal with the same issues. There are social issues that affect both men and women. These are, for example, earning opportunities, internet and online business opportunities. There are issues that occupy men more than the military, war, politics, and there are issues that women deal with more, such as art, child rearing, home furnishing, beauty. However, this is not exclusive. A lot of men deal with home furnishing or raising children. It is also worth thinking about the fact that although women are more likely to deal with the issue of art, painting, for example, as "consumers", i.e. visiting museums and exhibitions, the vast majority of creators are men.

At the beginning of the definition, the size of the social community at whose level the woman or man wants to be a celebrity must be determined. If it is a small community, let's say a city, then the issues that affect this community must be dealt with. If someone wants to be a celebrity at the level of a country or nation, they must deal with the issues that affect this large community.

So, for example, if someone wants to be the mayor of a settlement, he has to deal with the issues that the residents of the settlement deal with, which affect the residents of the settlement. These are usually settlement development programs, economic development, job creation and similar programs.

If a man or woman wants to be a celebrity at the level of a nation or a country, the main issue that he has to deal with is the national culture and its preservation, the development of the nation, and the strengthening of the national economy. But such a question can be the protection of the human environment, nature conservation, traditional care actions, social and cultural actions affecting the entire nation.

A celebrity's work must be planned if we don't want to leave it to chance. We can also choose some topics at random. But it is not certain that we will find the most suitable topics. There is a method developed for how to find these questions. This means some work and effort, but it is a much better solution than leaving the opportunity to chance. If you are interested in this method or would like to receive more information about becoming a celebrity and the lifestyle of a celebrity, write to my address: miksa.beer@gmail.com. Be sure to write: celebrity in the subject field.

How should the celebrity find the right answer to the questions?

It is important to find the questions concerning the social community at the beginning of the journey of becoming a celebrity, only in order to find suitable solutions and answers to the questions that we have found. And this is one of the key issues of all further development.

I know a celebrity who refused to work. Rather, he chose a seemingly easier path: He always criticized everyone everywhere. For two months, he appeared a lot on television and in newspapers. Half a year later, people completely forgot about it. I hope that's not what you want. This road is impassable. It is much better than this if you always praise everyone, but it is not a guarantee of successful cell improvement. Although people tend to quickly forget very negative people and enjoy the company of those who are kind, smile, and have a few good words for everyone.

If someone really wants to be a celebrity or become a celebrity, it is important to find answers to the given questions that are suitable for the social community. There is also a relatively simple way to do this. But you have to go along the way. Nobody becomes a celebrity overnight. And here it is worth mentioning another thing. If you want to be a celebrity in the long term, you have to look for the answers that will provide a long-term solution. The long-term, often repeated and short-term solution proclaimed by many to be the best can only give short-term success.

A very good example of this is one European country, whose capital city has a large river flowing through it and usually every year it floods the coastal roads, which are otherwise busy and important in the life of the city, and even some parts of the city. A successfully tested method of defense against this is to build a dam 50-150 kilometers before or after the city. On the one hand, they regulate the level of the river in the city, and on the other hand, since it is a large river, the dam's hydroelectric power plant can produce a huge amount of electricity. And there is always a shortage of electricity. The neighboring country (since the longer section of the river formed the border between the two countries) recommended that they jointly build a huge hydroelectric power plant, which would have protected both the capital of this country and several cities of the neighboring country from minor and major floods that recur every year, i.e. from that the great river would inundate the floodplains that could otherwise have been economically exploited. Thus, they would not only have made valuable human property safe, but also produced significant economic value.

The country made the matter a political issue and the power plant was not built. People believed the claims of the so-called conservationists that this would leave less water in the river. However, the truth is that, whether there is a dam or not, as much water flows down the river as is collected in the catchment area. No more, no less. That is why there are about ten hydropower plants working on this river in the two countries before the two countries mentioned, through which the river flows. Today, the mentioned country is increasingly struggling with a shortage of electricity and is looking for expensive solutions that will make the next few generations of the population heavily indebted. Today, people have forgotten the names of the former "greens". However, at that time they were well-known celebrities.

So it doesn't matter at all what kind of answer you give to social questions. There is an easy way to find these answers, as well as where and how to voice your opinion if you want to be a celebrity. If you are interested in this opportunity today, write to my address: miksa.beer@gmail.com. In the subject box, write: celebrity. I will answer all letters immediately.

For starters: Become a member of the Celebrity club and complete the Celebrity school. Detailed information: miksa.beer@gmail.com. Enter: Celebrity school in the subject field.

Celebrity club


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