I probably haven't learned English correctly yet - but I'm sure I can help you.

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Novel Writing Tutorial (I may not know English well, but I'm the one who can help you!)

How to write a novel, be successful and make money with it


Novel writing is the simplest passive income

At least once in the life of every person, the thought of writing a novel, publishing a book, becoming successful, earning money with it turns around. According to one statistic, at least 4 out of ten people in developed countries are serious about novel writing and book publishing. Understandably, this is the easiest way to be successful and have a passive income. Therefore, you only have to work for income once when you write the novel. After that, you just advertise your book and gradually the money comes: More and more. But how do you write a novel easily, quickly, and simply?


Why isn’t it good to start writing with a biographical novel?

Most people want to write their own lives. However, writing a biographical novel is very difficult. It's hard to break away from reality. However, no one’s life is as hectic, full of twists and turns as it should be as an act of a good novel. Therefore, the plot should be expanded and changed. And it's very difficult for everyone. People prefer to stay true to what happened.

Therefore, you should not have your first book as a biographical novel!


Novel writing methods

There are countless methods of writing a novel. A lot of authors tell me how he would write a novel. One of the best known of these works is John Braine: How to Write a Novel. This is a book of about 100 pages. Many have already written bestselling novels using Braine's method. But unfortunately, the method takes a lot of work, it can take up to a year to use this method to write a novel and publish your book. If you don’t want to read that much and don’t feel like learning for months, there’s a simpler but equally effective method. This is Randy Ingermanson’s ten-step snowflake method. The method mentions ten steps, but even with this method, you can start writing a good novel after several months of planning and you have to devote 4-8 months of hard work to getting your novel done. And you only have to organize the book publishing after that. There is a simpler method, but the writers are reluctant to talk about it. There would be too many novelists, there would be more competition.


The School of Novel Writing: The How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly?

The School of Novel Writing, A How to write a novel easily and quickly? is actually just a simple tutorial. Six pages of text in dots. 12 points tells you how to write a novel. It walks you step-by-step through the “science” of novel writing and helps make your book appear as either an e-book or a printed novel.


Nowadays, I have heard several times that publishing books is expensive. This is not true. This is distributed by book publishers who want to earn a lot from novelists. There is an option for your novel to be published for the price of one book. Then all you have to do is tell as many people as possible that you have written a novel that they can buy. And enter the publisher's address.

The publisher’s stipulation is that you write the novel properly, make a cover page for it, upload it all, and write it on specific pages that your novel has been published. More specifically, there is one more stipulation: You have set the minimum and maximum price allowed for your novel. You can’t sell the novel for less than $ 1 or sell it for more than $ 10.

You can get all the information about all this in the novelist school tutorial.


Novel writing as a passive income

Every person on Earth longs for a passive income. The income is that you don’t have to do anything and you earn a lot. This is really only possible for the very rich. And they are very few. Don't dream about it!

Several businesses promise a passive income for your work, but the truth is that for these usually network-building companies, when you quit your job, you slowly begin to collapse what you have built up so far and one day wake up to your passive income. These are not real passive incomes because earning income requires permanent work. It is true that after a while this work may be simpler and something that people are more willing to do. But it's also work. In fact, there is no income without permanent work.

Novel writing and book publishing is what is perhaps closest to actual passive income. You write a good novel, you publish the book and the way people take your book, you will have a steady income. You work once and then enjoy the fruits of your labor for years or decades.


Novel writing brings success and fame

Women are looking for successful men, men want to connect with successful women. So you should be successful, known. A good novel can bring you social recognition and success. So you should work for the goal. Write a novel, publish your book, be successful, happy and recognized.

But it doesn’t matter at all how much work you have to invest in writing a novel. Let’s take an example: If you’re not 20 now and you choose the very good Braine method, you can write, say, 6-7 novels for the rest of your life. Few! If you choose the snowflake method, you can have 18-20 novels in your lifetime. Well, that's something, but the truth is that if you write only so many novels in, say, 60 years, you can't make a living from it. By the way, I would like to note here that all three methods are very good.

Those who make a living from writing novels today appear regularly every month, with a novel. It has more than 300 jobs in 60 years. Your goal is to keep having 12 novels that will bring you money. And it’s also important that by the time one of your novels is losing its popularity, it will be replaced by a new one that may be of interest to readers.


How much can you earn by writing a novel and publishing a book?

It depends on whether we are talking about an e-book or a printed novel. I think whoever writes a novel needs both forms. There are hardly any costs with an e-book. If you publish it in your own edition, up to 100 percent of the price can be yours. Still, I prefer one of the e-book publishers because they do the myriad tasks of book publishing for you. Therefore, they usually charge 30 to 50 percent of the price of the book. I think it’s even worth giving 50 percent of the price of the book to the publisher because that leaves you enough time to write another book. And it’s worth a lot more than the amount of money you have to give to the publisher.

In the case of a printed book, the situation is a little different. Here you have to reckon with the printing costs. A lot of publishers also want to talk about it at extra cost, such as review writing, a cover page designed by well-known graphic artists, and more. This is much cheaper and easier to solve. Find a good graphics program. Then go to at least 3-3 bookstores and libraries. At the bookstore, ask which are the 5 books that sell the most. Take a picture of your cover. In the library, ask which are the five books that most people read. Then photograph your cover. You already have 10 good ideas. Of course, the content of the book also plays a big role in the number of copies sold and the readership. But among the ten ideas, there are certainly some that have fallen into this group because of their cover. Show 5-10 friends the pictures. It’s good if the images are small and the author’s name or the title of the novel is barely legible, so the graphic design will be what people decide. Ask them which book they would buy or read. Then make a similar cover page for your own novel in a 2: 3 ratio. This is also the average ratio of book sizes.

In the case of a printed book, publishers usually give the author 20 percent of the price. But I’ve also heard of a book publisher that only allowed 10 percent. The book publisher I mentioned, by the way, passes 25 percent of the price of the book to the publisher.

And then we now calculate the possible claim. If you have a contract with this publisher (it’s an online contract that you can make with an internet connection) and you want to sell your book for $ 10, you’re earning $ 2.5 per book. There are also much cheaper books than this, but you will also find a good number of more expensive ones. Evaluate yourself so much that it’s a medium price that’s slightly higher than average (you’re asking $ 10). If you take 30 minutes a day to write about your book in free online advertising newspapers, it won’t be hard to sell 10 books a day. That's 250 books a month. That means you're earning $ 625. Not many. But if you keep 12 books you sell, you can already earn $ 5,000- $ 6,000 a month. And that is already a high salary. And meanwhile you’re doing a job where your earnings don’t depend on anyone but you.

Of course you have to work for it. Because all income is based on work. But how to write a novel easily and quickly?


How to write a novel easily and quickly?

I mentioned that there is an easy way to write a novel easily and quickly. Of course, you can also use Randy Ingermanson’s ten-step snowflake method, or the method mentioned in John Braine’s book, How to Write a Novel. But I still recommend a simpler, easier method than these. And not just to buy my just six-page guide, How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly (though I honestly admit it, it’s not a side thing for me either). I recommend this method primarily because it allows you to write a novel really quickly. Of course, I only recommend this method (and the rest) if it is important to you to value society, succeed, and earn a reputation and make money. It is also important that you can use this method to write a novel and publish a book while working. It doesn't matter how old you are. My first book, if I remember correctly, was published when I was 25 years old. I am seventy today. So if you can already write and can still write, have ideas, or can find ideas, maybe with a little help you can find suitable novel ideas, you might want to write a novel. Let’s say from the age of 10 to the age of 90.

I was a journalist and no one taught me how to write a novel. I figured it out on my own. In the pre-Internet era, John Braine’s book, How to Write a Novel, helped, followed by the myriad of writings that appear on the Internet about it. A whole range of books, studies, case studies. But if you really want to be successful, you don’t need these. They are too complicated, detailed and long. I, too, always wanted something simple, short to the point. I was not interested in the many hours of expensive courses. I wanted someone to explain in a simple and understandable way what I needed to do and walk you through the process of writing a novel.

What I recommend to you is just a six-page material. But this material will guide you step by step through all the hidden secrets of novel writing and book publishing. You don't have to learn anything. Just buy a booklet as a note, open a world page on your machine and get to work. More specifically, take 2 hours to read the first 8 points of the 12 points and write down your answers in your notebook. You should still keep your notebook with you to write down any important things you may need later as a writer.)

You can do this job even faster. Then you have only one task left: to write a novel. This is the ninth point. And if you keep following points 7 and 8, it won’t be hard to write one chapter a day. With this method, you can complete your novel in 22 days. Then review and correct spelling and typing errors in three days. (Proofreading - correcting spelling mistakes - can be entrusted to a professional proofreader, but it costs a lot of money. If the spelling is tender, look for someone among your acquaintances and family members who are good at it and ask them to review the text favorably. This is also a good solution because you usually can't find the mistakes you just made.)

After that, take a day to look for cover page ideas. The next day, select and create a cover for your novel, then upload it all to the publisher’s page. The publisher I mentioned, as you bought 1 copy of your own book, will immediately start selling your book, even in the form of an e-book and a printed book, worldwide. Need more than that? But no less, if you want to be a successful writer, want to make a living from writing novels and publishing books, and you need a passive income.


How to write a novel easily and quickly?

How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly is just six pages long. There is no side effect in it. Concise and short. It walks you step-by-step through exactly the process you need to do.


Remember, if you buy this material, you won’t be a writer yet. You will only be a writer if you do everything in the 12 points. A writer is a person who writes.

Just six pages of material costs $ 37. I could give for less, but I don’t want to. My goal is to buy it only for those who really want to write a novel and publish a book. There are many people who call themselves writers and who have been keeping their novels and novel plans in the drawer of their desk for years. Too much. We would need those who not only start but also finish the work they have started.

I also recommend this short material to those who want to buy it so that one day, when they start writing a novel, they don't have to research methods. Enough to take out the six-page material, run it through and start working. For people who don’t want to take long courses, learn for months, years. They are looking for a simple and quick solution.

So how do you write a novel easily and quickly? material is only six pages long and costs $ 37. The $ 37 must be deposited into my bank account (Beer Miksa, 24300 Backa Topola, Baranjska ulica 19, Serbia, Bank number: RS35325934270241607906, Vojvodjanska banka AD, Swift code: OTPVRS22, Intermediary: Deutsche Bank Turst Company American New York, Swift code: BK . There is no other option, you can only pay through a bank (in addition to bearing the bank charges) in order to keep your proof that you have paid the money. Then take a photo or scan of the proof of payment and send the proof of payment from your own email address to my address: miksa.beer@gmail.com. I will only send it to that email address within 7 days of How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly? material from which I received an email confirming the payment.

It's just that the material has NO money back guarantee. It’s not a dress you can take back to the store because you don’t like the color. This is not a meat grinder that you want to return because it doesn’t work. A How to write a novel easily and quickly? material is a tool with which you can write your first or many hundredth novel easily, quickly and simply. It would be easy to photocopy six pages and then ask for your money back. If you think about it, don't even sign up, don't order How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly? material.

The material may not be copied, sold, or given to anyone. Of course, if you do, I cannot control it. But remember, you are gaining competition for yourself. Do you need this?

There is no other, cheaper, possibly free material. Just How to Write a Novel Easily and Quickly? I offer material. If you want, you need it, buy it. I have not published details from the material. Not here or anywhere else. A How to write a novel easily and quickly? material can only be purchased in one way: by paying for its value and emailing the order to my address.


Write a novel

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