I probably haven't learned English correctly yet - but I'm sure I can help you.

Want to be famous, successful, happy or rich? - There is a secret that will help in this!
Sometime the kings were famous. Then the scientists were the famous people. Fifty years ago, everyone was a singer or an actor. Today they talk to ordinary people on television, on radio, in a newspaper. Why aren't you that? Would you like to be known? There is a secret that helps. Read this blog every day. Every day the tiny details of the secret will be discussed. Want to know more? Do you want to get to know the secret quickly and easily? It is possible!
The secret can help you become famous. The secret can help more people read your blog. The secret can help you reach your goal easily and quickly.


 People are looking for diet programs, recipes, money making opportunities on the Internet

Mary 22: I want to start a blog that many people read. On the Internet, I see most people visit pages about successful dieting, food recipes, online business ideas, and other online money-making opportunities, games, news, and advertising. What would you recommend, what topic should I deal with so that I have a lot of readers?

Paul, 47: I want to look for work as well. I think online business is a good solution for this. That’s why I decided to start some kind of online business too. The blogs and websites that write about online business that I have also read most of the time write that if someone wants to run an online business, their first job is to start a blog. Several of my acquaintances have embarked on this journey. Now their problem is that they have few visitors to the blog. Thus, their online business does not achieve results either. I am afraid I will have such a problem too. What topic should I address on my blog to expect more readers and more potential clients for my online business?

Brigitte, 15: I know I’m too young right now to start a company. So I can't start an online business either (Or is there such a possibility?). But I have already decided that I will be doing an online business because that is where I see the future. I’ve found a lot of these sites on the Internet, but most all recommend the same 10-20 business ideas. At the same time, I read that there are hundreds of online business ideas. I want to prepare for my future now. I want to be successful. I’m not the prettiest girl in the class, I’m not the best student and I’m just average in sports too. But I want to be a successful entrepreneur. Do I have the opportunity? (Why is it that school does not teach online business opportunities, how to implement them? Maybe teachers don't even know?)


The most visited sites on the Internet are undoubtedly the Internet lexicon, WIKIPEDIA. Other lexicon sites were also visited. In addition, the social sites should be highlighted: FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, PINTEREST, TWITTER ... But we get a completely different picture if we look at the issue of traffic thematically. More specifically, let’s look at which topics people who use the internet are most interested in.

According to statistics, people read about three main topics on the Internet:

1. Diet programs, recipes, body-shaping training plans that provide natural beauty, the secret of relationship search and attraction,

2. Money-making opportunities: The majority of Internet visitors look for a money-making opportunity where they can work from anywhere, even from home, where they can work at any time, have no boss and their income depends only on themselves (An online business can be started without money and risk!),

3. Interesting and fun programs

These are the most popular attacks. But they also visited the news sites regularly because everyone loves to be informed and everyone cares about what happened in the world and their immediate surroundings.

There are countless ideas and suggestions for dieting, toning, and online business on the “Online World” page. This is a Hungarian language page, but with a translator you can understand the essence of suggestions and online business ideas. Check out the page, click HERE.

Most blogs and websites deal with successful dieting

Every person wants to be beautiful and attractive. Visitors to websites and blogs are looking for programs that allow them to lose weight quickly and easily. Diet programs that allow you to lose weight without starvation Diet programs that do not harm your health. But the number of these sites is very large, there is a lot of competition.

By this I do not mean that you cannot be a successful online entrepreneur if your business is related to successful and productive weight loss, beautiful body shape and toning. But there is no doubt that if you want to deal with dieting, you need to look for some kind of niche, niche market. And you can only get ahead in the search engine if you don't just define the word diet as your keyword, but try to use a longer term as your keyword. Let's say: Successful dieting, effective dieting, dieting and beautiful figure, healthy dieting, dieting food recipes, dieting and natural beauty ...

By the way, there are a relatively large number of blogs and websites dealing with recipes. Moreover, it is worth noting that the pages that publish recipes are not only read by dieters, they like to read them. A lot of housewives are looking for recipes for festive food, but popular recipes for cheap food, recipes for quick-cooked foods, reptiles for diabetic foods, recipes for gluten-sensitive foods, recipes for vegan foods ...

I can recommend two of my blogs about dieting. The "Femina club" is a Hungarian language blog that you can read with a translator. Click HERE to go to the “Femina Club” page.

The other blog is in English. You can access this blog by clicking on the word SLIMMING. If you are interested in the topic, you can also find some useful ideas and insights on this blog.

Toning, attractiveness, beauty

The topic of weight loss is often associated with the topic of dieting. Because people want to lose weight to be more beautiful, more attractive. Toning helps with this. Because most people lose weight in vain, it doesn’t even increase their attractiveness. For greater appeal, in order to be popular and noticed by many, good form is also required.

Today, there are training clubs in almost every city where people can train to be more beautiful. Most training clubs employ professionals who are knowledgeable about toning. Those who visit blogs and websites that publish articles on toning can see how much exercise there is to improve and make some of their body parts more beautiful.

But it’s not just in gyms that you can work on toning. There are also quite simple toning exercises that can be done while working, resting, or traveling, waiting. The big advantage of these simple shaping exercises is that they can be done without the people in our environment noticing. Another great advantage of such simple shaping exercises is that no equipment or expensive machine is required. There is no need for special training clothes, no need to take extra time for it. At the same time, they have at least as good an effect on shaping as shaping exercises for expensive gym passes. So if someone wants to be beautiful and want a nicer figure for themselves, they can choose from a wide range of gym shaping exercises and simple shaping exercises.

Online business sites and making money

The Internet and online business opportunities have brought a new industrial revolution. The great advantage of online business ideas is that these businesses do not require expensive equipment, buildings, premises, many workers, significant expertise. Online business ideas are easy to implement and most of the time you only need Internet and a computer or cell phone.

The big mistake of sites that offer online business ideas is that most only repeat a few online business opportunities: Become a freelancer, start a blog, be a translator ... They just don’t tell you how to work with these online businesses to make your online business really provide income. The other important thing is that in addition to these commonly known online business ideas, there are hundreds more online business ideas where you can market more easily, work easier, online business generates income faster, and online business income can be more continuous. Yet it should be primarily about these online businesses.

Online businesses can be grouped in several ways. I like to use the following groupings of online businesses the most:

  •       Online business ideas for too young people
  •       Online business ideas for seniors
  •       Online business ideas for women
  •       Niche, niche market for online business ideas
  •       Startup online business ideas
  •       Online business ideas based on digital products
  •       User generated content type business ideas
  •       Passive income online business ideas

This division covers more than 90 percent of potential online businesses. At the same time, it groups online businesses according to which online business corresponds to which person is looking for which online business idea.

But not everyone is suitable for online businesses either. Some people prefer to look for an old recipe, a technological process, based on which they can start a family business, instead of an online business. Fortunately, the Internet also abounds with blogs and websites that can help these people.

I would like to bring to your attention four blogs and a website about online business ideas. The first blog is in Hungarian, but contains a lot of online business ideas. This is why you should check out this page (you can read it with a translator). Click on ONLINE BUSINESS IDEAS. The Internetmunka.ewk.hu blog is also a blog in Hungarian. Check out the page here: Click on ONLINE BUSINESSES. Finally, the online.blogolok.hu blog also belongs to this group. You can access this blog by clicking HERE.

The Internet`s people blog is in English. You can view this blog by clicking HERE.

I mentioned that I can recommend a website as well. The URL for this is bum.hupont.hu. But it’s easier to get to the website by clicking on the term INTERNET MAGAZINE.

Games, news sites, free programs and opportunities

As I said, internet gaming sites are highly sought after. With the release of a new game, countless pages appear in almost every language in the world. These explain the game system, the tricks that can be applied during the game. It is not uncommon for a page describing extremely good results achieved during the game. It is also common for game manufacturers themselves to launch sites to explain games, explain game rules, and promote games.

Similarly, news sites, advertising systems, and pages about individual online events are popular. There is a lot of competition on news sites and only earned ads and affiliate ads can be a source of earning, which they hate from the reader from the bottom of their hearts. Of course, an affiliate recommendation can be written in other forms. So that readers will love to read it. But most affiliate programs do not. Of course, there is a good solution for this. (If you are interested, write, I will answer for free.)

Ad pages are also sought after. Most people are looking for sites that offer free advertising opportunities. The ones for which you don’t have to waste time registering. The only question here is where you will get your income from if you start a page like this. (If you are interested, write, I will answer for free.)

Digital products

Digital products are becoming more and more popular among those who want to make money online. Understandable, because digital products can be created by the owners of websites and blogs, so I have no costs with the production of digital products. Digital products do not need to be stored and, importantly, a digital product only needs to be created once, but this digital product can be sold countless times. It is because of this property that digital products can often be the foundation of online businesses that provide passive income.

User generated content products

For start-ups, I often recommend businesses based on user-generated content products. Everyone who has ever visited the Internet is familiar with user-generated content type pages. At most, you don't know if this is a user generated content page. Such a user generated content type page is also FACEBOOK, TWITTER, INSTAGRAM or PINTEREST. But you don’t have to compete with these user-generated content pages as a start-up entrepreneur.

Online business ideas, news, games, advertising, weight loss, body shape and abundance - the solution is free: GIFT

If you’ve gotten this far, you can already see that the most read blogs and websites are about online business ideas, weight loss, and making money. It’s not my problem that you can’t find an online business idea, diet program and diet food recipe on the Internet. The problem is that these suggestions are either not detailed enough and only say the most important things, or that there are too many suggestions.

I counted last time: more than 4,000 pages deal with online business ideas in Hungarian alone. Of these, nearly 100 online business idea sites also advertise themselves on Google. Incidentally, there are more than 500,000 thousands of online business ideas pages, according to Google. The problem is that 90 percent of sites that deal with online business ideas recommend the same 30-50 businesses. Online businesses that are already highly competitive and have fewer potential clients.

20 percent of sites advertise online business courses, explicitly or implicitly. These usually cost between $ 100-300, but I also found one where they asked for $ 1000-3000 for the course. Unfortunately, I only found four pages that offer an offer that the site owner will be by your side all the way and help you build your online business. And there was only one that also guaranteed that you would have clients and make money with your online business (but I later saw that this warranty also expired).

So we come across a rather monotonous and large number of offers when we search for data on online businesses on the internet. The situation is similar for other topics sought by many in the evening.

I recommend better than that, for free: Email me your name on how I can call you and send you a list that provides really noteworthy content on the following topics:

  •       Online business ideas
  •       Dieting, dieting recipes
  •       Body shaping and exercise
  •       Creative ideas

The list contains only 100 blog or website URLs that are worth reading if you are interested in the topic. And like I said, you don’t have to pay for the list. This is a gift for you.  I am waiting for your letter to miksa.beer@gmail.com. In the subject field, don't forget to enter: Free URL list - GIFT

Have a nice day. And send your email NOW!

online business ideas

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