I probably haven't learned English correctly yet - but I'm sure I can help you.

Want to be famous, successful, happy or rich? - There is a secret that will help in this!
Sometime the kings were famous. Then the scientists were the famous people. Fifty years ago, everyone was a singer or an actor. Today they talk to ordinary people on television, on radio, in a newspaper. Why aren't you that? Would you like to be known? There is a secret that helps. Read this blog every day. Every day the tiny details of the secret will be discussed. Want to know more? Do you want to get to know the secret quickly and easily? It is possible!
The secret can help you become famous. The secret can help more people read your blog. The secret can help you reach your goal easily and quickly.


The surest passive income

Making money without having to invest money and without risk

Novel writing and book publishing

Ever since the concept of income has been known, people have longed for passive income. Passive income is income that you get even when you are not working. One of the surest such incomes is novel and book writing and book publishing. You work for income once you write the book, then you provide yourself with passive income for years, decades, from selling your published work.
Once upon a time, publishing a book was an expensive thing. Today it can be solved almost for free. Depending on your skill and knowledge, you can be a successful writer for $ 15-100.
I’ve heard several times that writing requires talent. Well-known writers have said that writing can be learned. I prefer to believe in them. There have been several good teaching materials and instructional books in the world that teach people the ins and outs of novel writing. However, these are usually long materials. One of these instructors, John Braine, a well-known writer, said, "A writer is a man who writes." So it’s not the point to study, read, take notes for years. Rather, learn from short, concise materials quickly and effectively and apply what you have learned as soon as possible.
That is why I recommend the "How to write a novel easily and quickly" tutorial instead of the otherwise very good but long materials. The material is not cheap. Not because it is long, but because it is short and contains the important things you need to write a novel. It summarizes in just 18 points the knowledge you need. And all this on about 10 pages.
If you are interested in what this material is about, ask for the free information. Just send me an email to my address (miksa.beer@gmail.com), write how I can contact you, and which email to send me the requested free information. So write an email. NOW!

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